About a week ago I did this Facebook live where I emptied out the blue built in cabinet in my dining room.
I like cleaning parts of my house while I hang out with you guys.
It makes it more fun.
Anyway, my dining room has remained neat, but that cabinet has just had stuff shoved into it for a while now.
And it wasn’t majorly out of control, but the top shelves were just a bunch of random stuff, and it was not nice to look at.
The bottom was just full of who knows what. I’ve just been cramming stuff in there for the past few years.
I forgot to take a before picture, but here’s a screenshot from the video.
While I was cleaning out the bottom, I found lots of stuff that did not need to be saved.
Like this box of “crystal clear cutlery” that had about eleven plastic knives in it, and they were all either black or white.
But not crystal clear.
I found stuff that has no business being in a dining room cabinet.
Like a black skirt.
I found the George Forman grill I gave to Number 2 a couple years ago.
It was still unopened and unused in its box.
I found an unopened American flag.
I have no idea how I even acquired that.
So I got everything out of the cabinet.
I threw a bunch of stuff away.
I donated a bunch of stuff to a thrift store.
I found new homes for some of the stuff.
And now it looks like this:The bottom cabinet has tons of room in it, still.
I think we sometimes feel like we need to jam pack a space full of stuff just to fill it up.
But we don’t.
And now I can easily access the stuff inside of it.
I hung up Christmas lights around the cabinet because white lights make everything awesome.
And now that corner is super cute, and I love looking at it.
Next I move to the area at the top of the stairs.
It’s terrible and it bugs the crap out of me.
Stay tuned for that coming up soon!
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