Over the course of the past seven months I have dealt with the stress of a whole series of unfortunate events by eating pretty much anything that wasn’t nailed down.
And I’ve gained about fifteen pounds since August.
About a month ago, my application to run the Boston Marathon as a member of the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge Team was accepted.
I’m very excited. And I really want to do well.
I’ll be honest. I’m disappointed in myself that I lost pretty much all discipline in the eating department. But it happens. No big deal. I’m back on track.
But I’d be healthier if I lost that weight I put on. I’d feel better in my clothes which are now very, VERY tight.
And if I seriously want to do well in Boston in April, I don’t really have a choice.
I need to lose some weight.
I think my ideal running weight is around 135 pounds. Which is 24 pounds lighter than I am right now.
So I joined a weight loss competition at the Y, because nobody likes a challenge more than me.
I’ve got fourteen weeks until the marathon and twelve weeks until this weight loss competition is over.
I plan on kicking ass in both of them.
So to help keep me on track, I’ll be documenting my progress each week here on the blog.
Prepare yourself.
There are before pictures coming.
Before I show them to you, a little bit about how these pictures were taken.
I don’t own a full length mirror, so I have to have someone take the pictures for me. And my husband leaves pretty early for work.
So I asked Number 3 (who is ten) to take my pictures today.
And I figured I’d go big or go home.
So I put a bikini on.
The bottom is WAY too small right now.
So is the top, actually.
So there’s like 159 pounds of sausage stuffed into a ten pound bikini.
Anyway, I warned Number 3 before he took the pictures what I was going to wear.
“Mom, don’t do that,” he said. “It’s not going to be good.”
I put my bikini on and then I put my bathrobe on over it.
I walked into the kitchen, handed Number 3 my phone, and disrobed.
“Mom. You do NOT have a six pack,” he told me.
“Not yet,” he said.
I told him I will never have a six pack. Not in the form of ab muscles, anyway.
I explained to him that this wasn’t about trying to achieve some sort of unrealistic body type or look like some dumb picture of a Victoria’s Secret model.
I just want to lose some weight and run a marathon at my fighting weight.
Or closer to it anyway.
His response?
“Are you sure you want people to see you like this?”
Actually, yes I do.
Because it’s just a body. I want to help people feel okay and confident with their bodies.
But I also want to be as healthy and fit as possible.
I’m pretty fit. My blood pressure is great. My resting heart rate is 55.
But I have more weight around my middle than I should. And if I have the option of running a marathon carrying 25 less pounds on me, well, I’m gonna go for it.
So here they are. My week one photos:
Check out the book: Extreme Transformation: lifelong weight loss in 21 days by Chris and Heidi Powell. It’s all about clean eating. Simple food to prepare for and eating simple. This should help you get back on track and get your butts running for marathon. Try this book and see for yourself. They also have four kids as well!
Susie, I am so proud of you on so many levels!
1) Fellow runner, struggling with weight and self-control issues. Been there, done that…actually, currently there, doing that.
2) I’ve come to the same conclusions. I have a huge event coming up, so it will be nice to follow along on the motivation front.
3) You showed your kid what you are willing to do. By having her take the pics, she may have been embarrassed for you initially, but look at the example you are setting for her! You are not only accepting your body, but also taking charge of your fitness!
4) You showed the world what you are, right now. Everyone knows what you want. In my mind, you are an amazingly brave bada$$.
If you haven’t heard about them, check out anothermotherrunner.com. One of the authors is also doing Boston this year…huge inspiration for running moms like us.
You are amazing!! Thank you for sharing your story.
You are fabulous! I’ve also re gained too much holiday weight and started my go-to diet / and running. You’re inspiring!!
I needed to hear this. I’ve been beating myself up over gaining back half of the almost-40 pounds I lost last year instead of focusing on the fact that I’m 20 pounds lighter than last year and that I can get back on track. It’s so helpful to hear “inside” your head about how you handle setbacks in health/diet and how you get yourself refocused. Thanks for helping to motivate me to get back on track and to focus on the positive. It resonates much more for me than hearing people who never seem to struggle talk about their perfect diet plans and health routines. : )
You are so funny! I love how candid you are. Give a clean, Vegan (or even a mostly plant-based) diet a try. It’s how I got it together. Try whyveganlife.com and good luck. Can’t wait to see you through the journey!
I’m in a similar situation…doing my first Ragnar Relay this spring and need to get faster and up my endurance, plus could really lose 20 pounds. As I’ve trained, I’ve noticed some firming up but haven’t lost a pound. Not. A. Single. Pound. I’m just curious how you eat enough to run that far but also lose pounds? I hope you blog about it. You are an inspiration! You go, girl!
Oh, I love this. My “lap” suit is (seriously) a racing bikini my husband bought me, because he always thinks I look good. Even after two c-sections. And twins. And with no collagen. And an extra 5 lbs. And the thing is, I work every day to tell my kids (especially my girls) that our bodies are great, we’re so lucky to have such awesome machines, but we also have to make sure we’re caring for them well (by eating healthfully, exercising, wearing sunscreen and so on), which also means diving proudly into the pool to do my laps in a ridiculous bikini.
Loved the inspirational message here. You go!