Last night I went out with some friends to celebrate the completion of Lose to Win.
It was the first time I had gone out since my night out in NYC in the beginning of March.
I literally had not put on any clothes other than workout clothes or pajamas since then.
So yesterday afternoon I looked in my closet for something to wear.
I have about 7 pairs of jeans in my closet.
When I started out on the Lose to Win journey, I was wearing a size 14.
I knew those were too big.
I have two pairs of size 12’s. One is a little tighter than the other.
I tried them both on.
They were way too big.
Both of them.
I have two pairs of size 10’s.
I haven’t been able to wear those in over 4 years.
I tried those on.
They were both too big too.
Now it was an even better
I also have 2 size 8’s in my closet.
It has been a very, very long time since those suckers fit onto my body.
I tried them on.
And not a wear-2-pairs-of-Spanx-and-use-a-ponytail-holder-through-the-button-hole-to-give-myself-an-extra-inch-in-the-waist-so-I-can-wear-these kind of a fit.
They really fit.
Buttoned and everything.
Without an embarrassing amount of muffin top action spilling over the top of them.
Without any MTA spilling over the top of them.
Now it was officially the
Pants in the single digits.
But it got even better.
Because I hadn’t put a real bra on in several weeks either.
It had been all sports bra, all the time.
So I put my bra on.
And that shit was too big also.
Last night, for the first time in many, many years, the size of my pants had one number in it.
And the size of my bra?
Well now that only needs one letter in it.
It’s time to go shopping, mothereffer.
It’s been 8 years.
I think I’ve finally earned some non-maternity underpants.
And a cute, one-letter-size bra to match.
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Miranda says
That’s awesome! I rewarded myself with shopping once I got into a size 8 too. Best feeling in the world.
erica says
Love it! Congrats! And I used to match my bra and underwear all the time before I had kids. Funny how things change, but looking back, I wonder why I worried so much about sh*t no one ever sees except me! LOL
Erica says
Congrats! I just did the same thing. It’s nice to see the number of pounds but when you put those single digit jeans back on…the best feeling! I put on shorts yesterday for the 1st time that were tight last summer, now falling off of me. Yay us!
Ned says
Yay! yay!! time to celebrate! Bring on the margaritas!:D