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I like the people who leave the carts right NEXT TO the cart corral.
I am the person who takes the cart from the mom with the x number of little ones trying to figure out how she’s going to get the cart back without losing a child. I give those people cart blanche, only because there are people like me who remember being afraid of leaving my keys in the car with the kids when I returned my cart. : ~ )
thats why its smart to park close to a cart corral. Next to one if you can. That way, you put your kids in the car, unload the cart, and simply push it in the cart corral and never really have to leave the end of your car.
I feel the same way about church parking when everyone is trying to get out at the same time. People get so nasty and impatient yet they just sat in church supposedly learning about being a good person. 🙂
I wish people would leave the firetruck and police car shopping carts for the moms shopping with multiple kids. I know your child likes the firetruck, remind them that there may be a mom who has multiples and needs to strap them in a cart. Shopping with three kids is torture enough and pushing one cart and pulling another cart turns my trip into a nightmare.