Dear Boys,
Yesterday I wrote a post that contained some advice for your sisters.
I didn’t want you to feel left out.
So with regard to girls and dating, here is my advice for you.
1. Do the old fashioned stuff.
I know it’s 2013.
But I don’t care.
And yes, I do some things that not a lot of other moms do.
I know how to start the lawnmower and I like to cut the grass.
I play horseshoes.
I know how to use a hammer.
And a screwdriver.
And power tools.
I don’t throw like a girl.
But I still like to be treated like one.
And that’s how I expect you to treat any person of the opposite sex.
Open the door for a girl.
When you are walking on the sidewalk, keep her on the inside and yourself on the outside.
If she is cold, you offer her your jacket.
When you go on a date, you pay for her.
You look in her eyes, and you keep your phone in your pocket.
If you pick her up at her house, you get out of the car and you walk to the door. You do not stay in the car and honk the horn.
And when you bring her home at night, you walk her back to the house.
You make sure she gets inside safely.
You make her feel special.
And protected.
And safe.
2. Think about your sisters (part one).
You would do anything to protect your sisters, and you wouldn’t let any guy treat your sisters badly.
That cute girl you are with?
She could be someone’s sister.
Someone’s little sister.
If you wouldn’t let some dude do it to your sister, then don’t do it to the cute girl you are with.
3. If you know it’s not going to work, end it. Quickly.
Nobody wants to make a girl feel bad.
But at some point, you are going to do it.
It happens.
There will come a time when you will realize she’s not the one for you.
Be honest and direct with her.
Don’t use phrases like
I need some space
I need some time
I want to take a break.
While you may think you are letting her down more easily, you are not.
To a girl, all those phrases mean it’s not over.
She will wait for you.
She will text, and call, and randomly visit you.
She might cry, and beg, and plead.
It’s possible she may go to more extreme measures.
She may allude to things.
And threaten to do things.
Those are not a reason to stay with a girl.
Rip that band-aid off.
With compassion but with a firm hand.
It’s the most respectful thing you can do.
If she resorts to more extreme measures, that is not your problem, your responsibility, or your fault.
Let her family know.
They will take care of her.
You take care of you.
4. Think about your sisters (part 2).
Your sisters are prone to drama.
They cry.
A lot.
For any reason.
But they are 6. And 4. And not even 2.
That’s normal.
It’s not normal when a grown girl (or woman) does that.
If you see that behavior early in a relationship, refer to point Number 3.
You will not fix that behavior.
And it will not stop.
5. Don’t be a doormat.
You are strong, handsome, intelligent, athletic, talented, caring boys.
You’ve got everything going for you.
And you deserve respect.
It’s usually the guys that get the bad rap.
The douche reputation.
But there are some shady chicks out there.
There are some women who are looking to set themselves up.
To seize an opportunity and take advantage.
So be sure to protect yourselves.
And I don’t just mean your heart. I also mean your wallet.
Marriage is expensive. Especially when it results in divorce.
Divorce can ruin you.
There is no need to rush into anything. No. Need.
Not even a pregnancy.
Take things slowly.
Make sure you are ready.
Make sure she is ready.
Make sure you know her, and make sure she knows you.
Until you say I do, cover your ass.
And cover all your other parts too.
I don’t have boys but this is exactly how I want my daughter to be treated!! Your kids are lucky to have a mom who is to the point and spot on!!
I’ll be looking for your next post!