For the first time since I became a mom, I’m not taking the kids trick or treating tonight.
Number 3 and 4 are staying home, and Number 5, 6, and 7 all got invited to go trick or treating with different friends.
Number 5 and 6 were getting picked up by their friend’s parents, and I dropped Number 7 off at her friend’s house.
In the car on the way there, Number 7 asked me,
“Are you going trick or treating tonight, Mommy?”
“I’m a little old to go trick or treating,” I said to her.
To which she simply replied,
“You’re never too old to go trick or treating.”
And you know what?
She’s right.
I’m not going trick or treating, though.
I’m sitting home.
It’s quiet and peaceful.
And I was so excited by this surprise gift I was given tonight.
The gift of solitude and stillness.
But now that it’s here, I’m really kind of sad.
Number 3 decided he’s too old to trick or treat. So last year was my last year doing that with him, and I didn’t realize it at the time.
Number 4 is just not feeling great, and so she decided to stay home tonight.
Number 5 got picked up before I even got back from dropping Number 7 off at her friend’s house and I didn’t even see her in her costume.
I took one picture of Number 6.
And then I received this picture from Number 7’s friend’s mom.
They are all very excited to be trick or treating with friends, and they are having a lot of fun.
And that’s all that really matters.
But I wasn’t really prepared for this, because they are having fun without me, and that magic of running up to someone’s front door in anticipation of what you are going to see in their candy bowl never really goes away.
I don’t care if I have to wait until they are grown with kids of their own. We are all going to go trick or treating one more time.
Because I wasn’t ready for the last time to be the last time.
And like Number 7 said,
You are never too old to trick or treat.
This was me tonight. Hard night.
This was my first year at home too! Such a strange, bittersweet feeling…
We all face this issue every now and then in our lives. Age does that do you at times but never let that inner child die in you. And as number 7 said ” you’re never too old for trick or treat”