This past week Number 3 had his 3rd grade music program at school.
You know, the one where a hundred kids stand up on the risers and sing about 147 songs.
The one where unless you got there 20 minutes early and sit in the front row, you have a hard time seeing your kid.
The one where even if you you do get a good seat, that probably means that your kid is standing behind the tallest kid in school.
The one where you can take a picture, but where you are so far away, that it is almost impossible to tell which kid is actually yours.
I have attempted to take many pictures at these events.
I have attempted to take videos, too.
I have never, ever watched one of those videos.
And those pictures of half of the first, or second, or third grade standing in front of a sea of parents haven’t made it into any scrap books or photo albums or Facebook posts.
A couple months ago, I stumbled upon this Louis CK video:
It’s so funny, because it’s so true.
So this year, I left my phone in my pocket.
I just watched Number 3.
I was present in the moment, and I just watched.
My mom was a little upset by this.
Take a picture! Aren’t you going to take a picture?
I took one picture to placate her.
And then my phone went back in my pocket.
Louis CK was right.
The resolution on Number 3’s face was actually really good when I put the phone down and actually watched.
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You described the scene beautifully. I have two sons and five grandchildren and it stays the same. As you get older, you notice how hard the benches are!