Those of you who know me know the following two things about me:
One, I hate when people don’t return their f&$#!ing shopping carts, and two, I’m not afraid to put it all out there.
Today I was at the grocery store and I was in the parking lot (putting the ridiculously expensive cake I bought at the last minute for Number 7’s birthday in the car) and there was a woman whose car was parked a couple spots away from mine and she was taking her baby carrier out of the stroller and as she was doing that, a cart that someone left in the middle of a parking space (because they couldn’t manage to walk the three parking spaces to the cart corral to return it) started rolling toward my car, so this mom tried to grab it and as she did that she lost her grip on the baby carrier, let go of the shopping cart, screamed, OH SHIT, and dropped the carrier on the ground with a big thud.
The baby was fine, but he was shaken up and bawling his brains out and the mom was a little frazzled and she said to me, “It wasn’t even mine!” (the cart, not the baby)
I got the cart and put it away and then as she was unbuckling the baby from the seat to console him, I asked her if she was okay.
She was fine. I smiled and thanked her and I felt bad leaving her there, but I was running late to get Number 3 to swim practice and I got in my car and drove away while she was standing there in the middle of the parking lot holding her crying baby.
So why am I sharing this story?
I bet you think it’s because I’m going to tell you to return your f&$!ing carts.
It’s not.
(But return your f&$!ing carts).
The reason I tell that story is because that’s the reason why I started writing this blog.
There are so many moments you have as a parent where you are trying to do the right thing and something goes wrong and you wonder if you did the right thing and you look back and second guess yourself or you convince yourself that you are the only one going through whatever it is you are going through.
And you feel like you are standing alone in the middle of a parking lot (or wherever) trying to protect your kids and make the right choices and people are putting obstacles in your way presenting you with challenges and then you think you do the right thing but you’re not sure and everyone drives away and you’re like What the fuck? Does this shit happen to other people, too?
Yes. It does.
And that’s why I started to put stuff out there. Because so many people are afraid to and it makes us all feel so alone sometimes.
This past April I alluded to the fact that something exciting was on the horizon for me.
That something exciting was supposed to take place this past May or June, but as life often does, it got in the way and things became a little bit delayed.
Well, the time has come.
Over the last four and a half years, Not Your Average Mom has grown into something bigger than I originally imagined.
Most moms aren’t looking for perfection. We are looking for a place where we feel like we belong. Where we feel connected.
I think we’ve created that place here.
And now I want to take it to the next level.
By taking it to the next level, I mean offering more to you. To us.
People tell me that what they love most about this site is that I make them feel normal. I let them know they aren’t alone. I reassure them. I motivate them.
I want to continue to do all those things.
But I also want to do more.
Your contribution directly facilitates the development of the new NYAM platform, which will allow for the access of all of the brand new NYAM resources to anyone and everyone. It enables the gathering of resources, educational tools, professional & expert advice, and it empowers us to launch from a place of usefulness and value.
In Not Your Average Mom lingo, I want to keep writing funny stuff. I want to keep writing stuff that might make you cry. That might make you think. That might make you question. The same stuff I’ve been writing for the past four and a half years.
And then I want to do other stuff. Stuff that you guys would be interested in and that would improve the quality of your lives. Podcasts. Webinars. Skype sessions. A book club. Access to experts. People who can guide and educate you in any area you could use some help in: Finances. Special education. Advocating for your children. Meal planning. These are just some of the possibilities! Whatever you guys want, I want to make it accessible to you.
We can all create something really incredible together!
Please CLICK HERE to check out the campaign.
By investing you can receive lots of great perks!
Get the Skype perk and we can talk in person! I’d love to get to know everyone who has been a part of this journey better! If you are struggling with fitness, there’s a great perk for that.
If you are a business owner, there are great perks to give your business lots of exposure for a super discounted price.
This is a great opportunity for all of us. Let’s all take advantage of it!
By supporting this campaign, I can better support all of you.
If you aren’t in a position to contribute financially, you can contribute by sharing the campaign across social media. The more people we get the message out to, the better!
Let’s give ourselves a place to go so wherever we are, whatever parking lot we find ourselves standing in, no matter how many obstacles are put in our paths, we know we always have somewhere to go where we know we aren’t alone.
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