My Tribe members receive an email from me every morning with something to either think about, focus on, or do.
It’s a short little email that helps keep them moving in the direction they want to be going, and many of my Ladies say it’s how they like to start their day. It’s become a part of their routine, and they love those emails.
I decided I’d start sharing those with you every Monday to start your week off with something to think about to help you, too.
So I’ll start with one of the biggest obstacles for all my Tribe clients: lack of time.
Lack of time is probably the biggest reason why people justify not making exercise a part of their routine.
I don’t have time.
I’m too busy.
Today was just too crazy.
I hate to break it to you, but it’s not that we don’t have time.
When we say it that way, we put ourselves into victim and blaming mode. We are not victims.
And our schedule isn’t anyone else’s fault. We’ve designed it!
We all have time! We all have the same number of hours in a day.
When we don’t make some sort of exercise a part of our day it’s not because we don’t have time.
It’s because we choose not to devote time to moving our behinds.
One of the things we do that prevents us from using our time efficiently is multitasking.
Multitasking is a HUGE timesucker!
When you are multitasking, what you are really doing is task switching. And every time you switch from one task to another you are wasting time.
In fact, experts say that multitasking causes you to be up to 40% less efficient and productive!
So stop the multitasking.
Focus all your attention on one thing. Be mindful and present with whatever it is you are doing, whether it’s laundry or paying the bills or checking emails or helping your kids with their homework.
Concentrate on one task at a time.
You can help yourself do this by batching.
Next week I’ll talk a little bit about that.
Until then, stay focused and stop multitasking.
This will help you free up a little time in your day and your week.
Time that you can choose to devote to moving your butt!
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