My college swim coach used to say that being a coach at swim meets was much more exhausting than being a swimmer.
That, sure, swimming a few events was physically tiring, but when you were a coach, you experienced every emotion, the highs of a best time or a great swim, and the lows of a really bad meet or just missing a qualifying time or a spot on the podium.
I kind of rolled my eyes at him.
Yeah right.
And then I became a coach myself, and realized,
he was totally right.
Taking a journey with each swimmer on your team is draining.
Not in a bad way.
It’s just a lot of emotions to experience in one swim meet.
I had a post planned out for tonight.
But I’m just too tired.
And I am not complaining at all.
The past two weeks, and even more so, the past two days, have been some of, if not the most rewarding days of my life.
Being able to take this journey with Patty is an experience I really can’t even describe.
And the emotions are just, well, for lack of a better word, crazy.
Crazy good.
But crazy.
Lots of tears of joy.
Lots of them.
And just like my college swim coach, I’m exhausted.
A good exhausted. But exhausted.
In fact, totally shot.
And I just don’t have the brain power right now to write the post I had planned on.
Instead, I’m going to go to sleep.
With visions of Amazon boxes and smiling Patty dancing in my head.
I wish there were a bigger thing I could say other than thank you.
Thank you just doesn’t seem big enough.
But for now, it will have to do.
Thank you for keeping the Christmas spirit alive.
And thank you for reminding me, and each other, that this world is still full of some really, really, REALLY amazing people.
Susie, you are the amazing one! Not many people would take the time to actually do something.
Not sure how you have dropped to #2 on the ratings page, but hopefully everyone who is donating and doing all of this to help Patty is also voting after reading your updates.
In the scheme of things, your rating isn’t relevant or as important as what you are doing.
Thanks for all you do.