Every once in a long while, you cross paths with a couple who just seems too good to be true.
And I don’t mean one of those irritating couples who calls each other Baby every 13 seconds or who posts crap about how they are soulmates and best friends on Facebook.
I mean one of those couples where you cannot decide if you like the husband or the wife more.
Where neither one of them does anything that pisses you off or annoys you.
One of those couples who, the more time you spend with them, the more time you want to spend with them.
This happened to me in 2013.
Two years ago, a family moved to my town and they were a breath of fresh air.
They were fun. Down to earth. The real deal.
Their kids were great. The kind of kids you want your kids to be friends with.
The kind of people who would give you the shirt off their back. Even if they didn’t know you.
They are the kind of people who are so awesome that you are sure they must be hiding a massive secret.
You know, like a meth lab in their basement or something.
I got to hang out at their house a few months ago for a dinner party.
I looked around for a meth lab.
But I never found one.
What I did find is that I just am so grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know these people.
I haven’t gotten to spend as much time with them as I would have liked.
And to be honest, right now, I’m kind of glad.
Because if I had spent any more time with them than I did, I would be devastated tonight.
Because tomorrow they are leaving Connecticut, making a pit stop down south to say goodbye to friends and relatives who live there, and then they are moving to Germany.
I’m sad. Sad for me. And really sad for Number 4 who became good friends with their daughter.
This town is not going to be the same without you guys.
J, I will really, really miss seeing you on the pool deck.
A lot.
You change the entire atmosphere of a room upon entering it.
And T, you are the nicest person I have ever met.
Sincerely. The nicest person ever.
And, I am so sorry I didn’t give you a hug the other day when I saw you.
But just thinking about you guys leaving was too much for me.
And I didn’t want to get snot on your shirt.
You are truly one of the most amazing families I have ever had the chance to spend time with.
I got to see your Number 2 one last time at the pool today.
She came over and gave me a big hug.
I told her things wouldn’t be the same without her here.
She gave me a squeeze, looked at me, and said, “It’s all good. I’m going to get to see Paris.”
And then Number 4 said goodbye.
The girls hugged, and Number 4 said to your Number 2, “I’m going to cry all day tomorrow.”
She climbed into the car with tears streaming down her face.
While I am also really, really, really sad to see you go, I realize how fortunate I was to have the opportunity to get to know you.
This town will be a little emptier tomorrow.
But Germany?
Well, that country is in for a really big treat.
I Googled the spelling for goodbye in German.
I’m sure you know what it is.
What I didn’t know is that its direct translation is until we meet again.
That makes things a little easier for me.
So I’m not going to say goodbye to my favorite German couple.
Instead, I’m just gonna say, Auf Wiedersehen.
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