I always take the book jackets off of hard cover books because they inevitably get destroyed (in this house anyway). Rather than get rid of them, I framed some and hung them up in the kids’ rooms.
They look great, and all you need is an inexpensive frame (The pink ones I already had at home — I just spray painted them).
I also framed some of their artwork to hang in their rooms:
I got some nice silver-colored frames at Target, and I framed the kids’ silhouettes from preschool. They are hanging in my dining room, and they look great too!
Super cheap, and super cute!
If you have any suggestions for other ways to create some affordable and cute wall art, I’d love to hear them!
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No really..you have time to decorate?
Well, not really, but I try 😉
I started reading your blog a few days ago and didn’t stop until I’d read every single one of your posts. You’re awesome. I always love it when I read something and think, “Oh good, I’m glad I’m not the only mom who thinks/says stuff like that!” Thanks for posting regularly, I think you’re great!
Well thank you! So happy to hear that — that’s why I started this blog in the first place. I think it’s easy to be too hard on yourself as a mom!
The art work in most book covers is truly wonderful little works of art! What a great idea! I always left them on because I didn’t have the heart to throw them out. Most are quite lovely. I am going to go through my own adult books and see if I can comeup with something and maybe do a collage of several covers in a picture frame. I am not a craft person but I make two things that I really enjoy because they are creative. Like your party favors another great idea. I decorate in tons of different ways I mean the sky is the limit, cigar boxes. I am talking about the nice wooden ones. My husband travels all over the world for his job and when he is in Costa Rica or Dominican he gets cigars in these beautiful boxes. He gives me all the boxrs once he is home and transfers his cigars in a super nice humidor from moi for a birthday gift a few years back. I must have a couple hundred. I have decopauged, painted with sparkles and beads and stickers for the kids, I have glitzed out, done more manly with leather and several more. I so far have made them special for family and a few close friends.School boxes and I filled with pencils, erasers, school glue etc. For the guys, I made nice little chest-like boxes to put on their dressers to use to put all that extra crap in their pockets that they usually just throw on top of the dresser. Keys, change, receipts etc. I made cute little jewelry boxes and my favorite and definetly the hardest and most time consuming, a purse. I mean the sky is the limit with these cigar boxes! Takes me forever because like you I am busy. My own kids are grown but I am raising a grand daughter now who while an adult and married, they live with us. And I am always doing a million things. The other thing I love to make is candles! Fun shapes I love the big old fashioned ones that we made in Brownies out of half gallon milk cartons. with a ton of glitter. Yoiu can buy scents to add and its a lot of fun and make awesome gifts for all my girlfriends. So I was really creative as a child and it is coming back to me and is so rewarding. Especially when I finish my purses and have used the little drummel to punch holes to add handles and clasps and detail. Whew!!! Got me going there girl and I said I wasnt an artsy crafty gal!!