We aren’t big football fans.
In fact, we never watch football games.
I watched a ton of football when I was a kid — my parents both love to watch it — and I enjoy a good game, but it’s just not something we do now.
But we do watch the Super Bowl.
Or at least the first half.
Before I quit drinking I’d go to any Super Bowl party we were invited to.
But now we do a little party at home.
I buy a lot of junk and we watch the game.
Today I went to Costco and got a whole bunch of stuff I don’t often buy.
We had Doritos and Cheetos and chips and salsa and guacamole and shrimp cocktail and mini tacos and wings and veggie spring rolls.
I put a whole spread out on the dining room table around 5:00.
Everybody sat and ate and I told the kids they could bring a plate of food into the family room where the TV is which is usually against the rules.
While none of the kids really know the rules of football, they like to watch the game and some of them camp out on the floor with pillows and comforters, and it’s a fun night for them because we do stuff we don’t normally do.
So we ate wings and chips and shrimp and more chips and mini tacos and more chips and more wings and more chips and spring rolls and more chips.
And then I got little mini chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream and I made mini chipwiches for everyone.
It was a night of gluttony.
And you know what one of the kids just asked me at 7:30?
And this is why moms sometimes lose their shit.
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Everyone!
This made me laugh out loud! And, this is also so true.
I don’t think I could physically handle that question…