You know how if you are a teacher or a real estate agent or a nurse or, well, in any profession and you have to do a certain number of professional development hours or take a certain number of credits to stay certified?
Well, my Canadian friend Jo had an idea when she was in the middle of a long maternity leave and at home with three young kids…
There is nothing like that for stay at home moms. There’s no professional development. There’s no continuing education classes for moms.
But let’s face it. Very often, you have no idea what the hell you might even want or need to learn in order to be the parent that you want to be before you have kids.
You don’t figure that shit out until you are knee-deep in diapers and dog hair and dishes and play dates.
So, she came up with an awesome idea:
What the hell is The Mom Conference?
It’s a one day conference for moms. It’s an opportunity for you to become more informed and less stressed.
There are a whole bunch of speakers who will talk about all sorts of stuff and be able to answer questions you might have — financial questions, medical questions, re-entering the workforce questions, political questions.
And then there’s the keynote speaker who will be speaking twice that day…
I don’t have any fancy medical advice. But I’ll make sure you walk outta that place knowing that you are not the only mom who feels overwhelmed and you are not the only mom whose kids are giving her a serious run for her money.
I really just want to make sure you know if you feel like you are going crazy, don’t worry . We all feel that way. And I’ll share a bunch of strategies that I use that with my kids that have helped me to keep from going insane.
So where is The Mom Conference? It’s in Kanata, Ottawa at the Holiday Inn, just north of NY state, and about four hours from Toronto.
The date is Saturday, March 5, 2016, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Registration is open, but the early bird price ends today. Click here to get your tickets now before prices go up tomorrow!
I really think this conference is a fantastic idea. I wish I had thought of it myself!
If you could use a day to get your shit together, this is your opportunity. Don’t miss out. Get your tickets today.
Hope to see you on March 5th!
Nikki says
That is awesome! It’s a little far for this San Diego gal but I wish you luck and I’m sure it will be an amazing event that blesses moms’ lives!