When I was first pregnant, and I thought about Easter, I pictured this photo of me and my dad. I envisioned adorable Easter outfits and bonnets and church and all sorts of other stuff. Then I had kids and reality set in. Yesterday I saw a friend post pictures of her kids’ Easter baskets on Facebook […]
easter baskets
A tisket, a tasket, I made my Easter basket.
I was 35 when my husband and I got married. I had been living in my cute little condo before that. All alone. It was really nicely decorated. Almost magazine-worthy. In my spare time on the weekends I did things like paint furniture. You know, Martha Stewart-y kind of stuff. So when we got married […]
A tisket, a tasket, we make our Easter baskets.
I was 35 when my husband and I got married. I had been living in my cute little condo before that. All alone. It was really nicely decorated. Almost magazine-worthy. In my spare time on the weekends I did things like paint furniture. You know, Martha Stewart-y kind of shit. So when we got married […]