It’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeaaaarrr….. if you’re a teacher, that is 😉
For all you teachers out there, you never know how you are affecting the life of a child.
So just doing a little reminiscing and reflecting…
Having you as my nursery school teacher was the best. I became a teacher because of you.
Mrs. Mercer
You were the perfect kindergarten teacher. The warm, fuzzy kind. I bawled my brains out when I got home from the last day of school because I wanted you to be my teacher forever.
Mrs. “X”
You were probably the shittiest teacher I ever had. Mean. I peed in my pants in 1st grade because you wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom. And you are the only teacher I know who spanked a kid in school and nothing ever happened to you. Trust me, I had a few students I would have loved to give a whack to, but even in the 70’s, that wasn’t cool.  Thank you for showing me the kind of teacher I did not want to be.
Mrs. Brown
Thank you for being there to balance out Mrs. “X”. You were kind, and gentle, and smiley, and I looked forward to seeing you every day. Even when I got into high school and saw you out and about, I would get excited. I loved you.
Mr. Matz
If there is a kid who went to elementary school in Weston in the 70’s who does not remember that, I’d like to know who he/she is.
And because of you, I still have Fifty, Nifty United States committed to memory.
Mrs. Zacavish
You were always so pretty and polished. Professional. Classy. When I was teaching and got dressed for work, I often thought of you.
Mrs. Tanner
Thank you for helping me to fix my cursive “s”. Somebody teased me once for the way I wrote it, and you took care of that. You made me feel good about myself.
Mrs. Goldman
You were tough, but you were great. Every time someone spells “a lot” as one word, I think of you. You instilled in me the importance of attention to detail, and I thank you for that.
Miss Mehos
My all time favorite teacher!!!! Making “weirdos” was one of my favorite projects ever in school. As a very shy and insecure young girl, you made me feel special, and talented, and confident. Your expectations were high, but you were also compassionate. I remember watching Brian’s Song in your class and seeing you cry. You made me realize that teachers are regular people with real feelings.
Mr. Falcone
I never really loved science class, but I loved it when I had you. You were the happiest, most enthusiastic guy. And when you asked me to unlock your classroom door and I somehow managed to break off the key in the lock, you just kept on smiling. I wish I could have hung out with you as an adult.
Mr. Burch
Because of you, I start every month off by saying rabbit. Not sure if it’s bringing me good luck, but I still do it.
Mrs. McKelvey
Thank you for bringing the wrong passport to the airport when we went on the exchange trip to France. How they let a bunch of high school juniors fly over there unaccompanied I will never know, but we sure got nice and drunk on that flight. It was our own real-life version of the movie Airplane.
Monsieur Billus
I don’t think many of us were very nice to you, and I’m sorry for that. I never had a teacher who was more enthusiastic about or committed to his job. You were a great teacher. And I can still sing the French National Anthem. Allons enfants de la patrie, le jour de gloire est arrive…. Merci, M. Billus.
Mr. Strohmeyer
You were both the tallest and gentlest teacher I ever had. Being in your class was calming. When I went to church with my grandma a couple years ago and you were the interim pastor there, I was not surprised at all. Peace.
The most influential coach I ever had. You taught me that “complaining is cancerous.” You also taught me to “move out of my comfort zone.” You taught me to push myself when I didn’t want to, or when I thought I had nothing left. Aside from my parents, you have probably been the most influential adult in my life. I am definitely a better person because of you.
You have all left a piece of you with me. Thank you. And if any of you are still teaching, enjoy your summer. You deserve it.
Well everyone except for you, Mrs. “X”.
Jonathan Mullen says
I think I had the Mrs. X, but now that I think about it I had more than one Mrs. X. One of them was Miss X and there was hell to pay if you called her Mrs.X by accident.
not your average mom says
Still trying to figure out who Miss X is. Can I have a hint?
Marcia (Webb) Kretschman says
I do remember Mr. Matz and to this day still remember Fifty Nifty United States and when I sing it my daughter laughs. And to this day I still say rabbit on the first of everyone month and wonder if it brings me luck or not. I do enjoy reading your blogs 🙂
not your average mom says
Thanks Marcy!
kate says
great post even though i don’t know you or your teachers and don’t know some of the references (rabbit is vaguely familiar but i don’t know why)!!!
Chris says
I just got around to reading this – what a great tribute to so many wonderful teachers (I had about half of them). As a teacher myself, I really hope to be included in something this moving someday. Well done.
not your average mom says
Oh thanks Chris. I’m sure your kids love you, and I’d wager that you are inspiring more lives than you could imagine.