Yesterday I came home to this in my bathroom:
Someone had gotten their hands on the label maker.
Okay, now in order to tell the rest of this story I need to rewind.
Last week I shared on the Not Your Average Mom FB Page that we had a slight issue with toothbrushes…
In a nutshell, I needed to figure out a way to keep the kids’ toothbrushes separate and easily identifiable.
There were a BUNCH of suggestions from the NYAM FB Family
Ultimately, I did kind of a hybrid of a couple suggestions.
There are two full baths in my house, but the one in my bedroom is huge. It’s got two sinks and there is just a lot more space.
So the kids keep their toothbrushes in my bathroom.
I’m totally fine with this because I get it.
I’m not totally fine with tons of shit on the bathroom counter.
And the thought of poop water molecules being sprayed all over our toothbrushes every time someone [READ: ALL BUT ONE OF THE KIDS] forgets to put the toilet seat down so they all sit under a light film of shit particles, comingling in a petri dish of a toothbrush holder that rarely gets cleaned made me kinda queasy.
It also made me rethink how I want to utilize the drawers in my bathroom.
At my old house I had pedestal sinks.
I fucking hate pedastal sinks.
They are a pain in the ass to clean and there is no room for ANYTHING.
My bathroom may be super dated, but it has a SHIT TON of storage space and it has a drawer between the two sinks that is PERFECT for housing the kids’ toothbrushes.
So on Thursday I went to Bed Bath & Beyond because we have one near us and I didn’t want to wait for an order to arrive and I wanted something a little more substantial than what I would find at the dollar store because I know how my kids are.
I found the perfect thing…
And expandable utensil tray.
There were five slots – perfect for the five kids.
I bought a small tube of toothpaste for each of the kids and labeled each one with the hardly-ever-used label maker I got like three Christmases ago.
I also labeled each kids’ space to eliminate any confusion.
On the left side of the tray there was just enough room for a smaller tray I had also purchased to fit.
I filled that with floss and flossers.
Everyone has their own spot and their own toothbrush and their own tooth paste.
The kids LOVE IT.
They love it so much that when my youngest’s BFF came over yesterday she said,
I can assure you that never in the history of me has anyone ever said that about any room in my house.
I’ll take the bathroom as the first one.
Anyway, back to the toilet.
When I first saw my properly labeled toilet yesterday, I walked downstairs and asked purely out of curiosity who had labeled the seat.
I thought it was the 11-year-old… my youngest son.
But then 12-year-old ratted out her younger sister.
That’s when my youngest told me she excitedly showed the bathroom to her BFF.
I had left the label maker on the counter.
The BFF printed out poop and placed it on the toiled seat.
My youngest said, “Well if it says poop, it has to say pee, too.”
Which brings us full circle.
Follow me on Instagram for more organizing hacks.
(Just kidding. There are no organizing hacks on my IG, but you can still follow me there).
Shared helpful hints are great. The little brain matter we use can’t possibly come up with everything beneficial. We all need help. Thanks, Susie xoxo