Number 7 has grown up on and around pool decks.
Ever since she can remember, she’s been at a pool.
Whether it’s being on deck while I coach practice, or watching her siblings swim, the pool has always been her second home.
Naturally she joined the swim team as soon as she was allowed to.
But she was four.
At her first swim meet she dove in the pool, swam about halfway down, stopped, said f*** this, and climbed out.
She liked to swim, but Number 7 has always been pretty determined to both do and NOT do things.
So there have been lots of ups and downs in her little three-and-a-half year swimming career.
Every year there is a swim meet in October that we’ve been going to for years.
Number 3 and 4 have both either won or placed in the top three overall at this meet and at the end of the meet there is an award presentation to the top five finishers.
Number 7 has watched her siblings get award after award after award at this meet .
And today, Number 7 finally had her moment.
It’s not a huge meet and she’s not the world’s fastest 8 year old.
But she’s definitely talented, and today she was the one getting the first place award.
And it was pretty fun to see her enjoying the spotlight for a minute (in the world’s biggest shirt).
I’m happy for my girl.
And that’s all for today.
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