Last July I was contacted by a producer for the Harry Connick Jr. Show.
I’m not sure exactly what the topic of the show they were interested in me possibly being a part of was, but I answered a bunch of questions asking what a typical day was like for me, how often I took time for myself, how often my husband and I got to spend time together, etc…
I guess they liked the way I answered the questions, because the producer emailed me back asking if I’d be able to do a Skype interview. It would be approximately 20 minutes long, and I could consider it my “audition” to be on the show.
She was going to ask me the same questions she’d emailed to me, but this time they were looking to get an idea of how I’d come across on camera.
We did the Skype interview, and it went great. The producer told me I was a natural on camera. The only negative thing she said was that she wished the kids had been there so that she could have “met” them and gotten an idea of what they were like, but I had purposely arranged for my dad to take them out of the house so that they weren’t interrupting me every fourteen seconds.
She told me she was going to meet with her producers later that week, and that she was sure she would be getting back in touch with me at the end of the week.
Then she called back about five minutes later.
She had recorded our Skype interview, but unfortunately she had only recorded herself !
She wanted to know if I could do the interview over. I told her I could. I also told her the kids were going to be home soon, so she was in luck. She could meet them in round two.
She called me back about ten minutes later, and we started the interview the second time around.
The kids came home as we were wrapping up.
One of the questions she had asked me was what I loved about Harry Connick Jr.
I told her that I thought he was dreamy. And funny. I told her he was my first introduction to jazz and big band style music. I also told her how Harry was a big part of our Christmas season every year because I especially love his Christmas music.
Number 4 is also obsessed with reality talent shows, and she watches all the American Idol and America’s Got Talent clips on You Tube over and over and over again.
So she knows Harry very well, and she likes him.
Or I thought she did.
Because when we were done with our interview, I heard the kids getting home downstairs and I called them up to the office where we were Skyping.
They filed in one by one, and as they did, I introduced them to the producer.
When Number 4 came in, I said, “This is Number 4! She LOVES American Idol, and she loves Harry. Right Number 4?”
And she came bounding into the office and said,
“YEAH! I LOVE American Idol! And I like Harry….
Needless to say, that was the last we heard from the producer of the Harry Connick Jr. Show.
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