Do you know what this thing is?
If you guessed toilet bolt cap, you are correct.
And it’s like baby crack. A one-year-old will do just about anything to get one of these seriously annoying things into her mouth.
They might as well just make them look like this
or this
or this
All of those items are equally enticing to an 11-month-old.
I might just start putting her dinner on there. Most of it is going to end up on the floor anyway. At least if it’s here, I’m guaranteed she’ll do anything she can to get to it and shove it in her mouth…
Bon appetit!
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That is just too funny! Our son who is 9 months also tries to put everything that is not food in his mouth. He thinks cords are a lot more fun than all his toys!
I’d say that this is not my favorite phase…