You don’t need a lot of money for a Halloween costume.
I had a budget of $10.
You don’t need a lot of time, either.
I had a window of 1 hour.
I started mine at 11:00 this morning.
I was done by 11:52.
I spent all $10.
Here’s what I used:
I already had the yarn up in the office, and the cups left over from a party this summer.
So the only thing I bought was the grey dress. I got it at TJ Maxx for ten bucks.
The dress was a large — a little too big — and I needed to make it fairly form fitting.
I didn’t want to take the time to sew it, so I just folded it over in the back and pinned it.
I needed the fabric to be pulled kind of tight, so I put two pillows inside of it.
Then, with a hot glue gun, I attached the cups to the dress.
I cut out an arrow from construction paper.
Oh yes I did.
I got my yarn, made some loops, and attached them to the cups.
I put some glue around the edges of the cups to keep the yarn from falling off.
I let the glue dry, took the pillows out, and put that baby on.
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I F*ing LOVE it!!!!!!!
That is so AWESOME! thanks for the laugh.
That is classic!! great idea!
A genious idea! So creative I love it
That is hilarious!!
This is awesome! The only thing that would be even cooler is if you had a little more room in the budget to buy glow sticks and put those in the cups so you glow!
Wow, very cool! My daughter would have loved to do this!!
took me a minute to figure it out.. but awesome! lol
Gah! I can’t figure out what you are dressed up as!
Mad skills!