I have always wanted to have a nicely decorated front porch to match the seasons. Especially at Halloween and Christmas time.
But it’s just never happened.
I might get a pumpkin or two out there, but that’s about it.
Two years ago I managed two pumpkins in old planters — one was empty and turned upside down and the other I threw down on top of a dead plant.
You know what has happened as a result of me delegating things and hiring a cleaning lady and a “wife” to help me with meal prep and other things so I can declutter my brain and clear space in there so I’m not constantly in overwhelm mode?
I’ve stopped doing so much work on Sundays.
And today, for the first time ever since moving into the house ten years ago, I decorated my front porch for Halloween.
It’s not perfect.
But it’s better than that picture with the two pumpkins.
Also, keep in mind we bought our house ten years ago and it was a foreclosure and it was completely neglected and run down and we put all our money into renovating the inside but then we ran out of funds so the outside of the house still needs quite a bit of work and we will get to it someday, but if you are gonna zoom in on shit you are going to see a whole lot of stuff that needs to be fixed pretty badly.
But you know what?
Having a cute front porch distracts from that.
So anyway, today I decorated my front porch. I’ve kind of been gradually decorating it.
This morning it looked like this:
I had some pumpkins already and I put up Halloween lights yesterday.
And yesterday after swim practice I went to the grocery store and Number 5 asked if we could get those little scarecrowy decorations, so I got them.
Anyway, Number 5 had put that tiny wreath on the front door which is really meant to be inside and it was just too small for the front door.
I went to the Dollar Store and bought a wreath frame and some Spanish moss and some fake flowers and Number 5 and I made a wreath.
Also, earlier today I stopped by my parents’ house and I asked them if they had any wooden boxes or anything, and they had a whole bunch of hemlock from a tree they had cut down so I took that. I asked my dad to cut some of the pieces a little bit so I had a few different sizes and I threw them in the back of my car. I forgot to take a picture before I started unloading them, but here are a couple:
I got some pumpkins from the grocery store in a whole bunch of different sizes. And I got two more mums.
I took the sparse yellow marigolds out of the black pots and stuck the mums in there.
We hung up our bigger, Dollar Store wreath.
Not a great picture, but whatever.
I used the pieces of wood to vary the heights of stuff.
And now my front porch looks like this:
Isn’t it cute?
I may keep adding to it, but I love it!
See what happens when you free up some brain space?
You can spend a Sunday doing stuff you’ve always wanted to do.
Like finally decorate your front porch for Halloween.
This is so cute.
Thanks, Lee. Nothing crazy or super expensive, and the kids love it, too.
It’s cute, welcoming and warm.
I love it! Perfect touch of Fall! The wreath came out great!

Thanks Dena! I love my front porch!