I had Covid back in January and while I was isolating in my room I started redecorating in my head, and then as soon as I felt up to it I started redecorating in real life.
When we first moved into the house last February, my room started out like this:
It’s big and has a pretty high ceiling.
At first I just dumped stuff in there with a plan to figure it out later.
It wasn’t calm or relaxing.
It was a mess.
Eventually I started moving things around.
I moved a chair upstairs but it just ended up being the dumping ground for clothes.
It was not fun being stuck in my room and looking at the ever-growing pile of stuff on that chair.
I got the chair for free from a friend, and it’s actually huge and SUPER comfy.
But I can never sit in it.
So I wanted to do something about that.
I knew what I wanted to do first, so I started with the bed and the chair.
You can read the post in detail, but here’s the room after of Stage 1.
It was a huge improvement.
But I wasn’t happy with how the whole room looked because the size of it made everything seem so small.
It wasn’t balanced.
I wanted to add to it but I also didn’t have any money, so I needed to “shop my house.”
When I was moving a friend of mine gave me a desk. I think it’s so cute and it’s been at the top of the stairs in the landing area, but nobody ever uses it or really appreciates it.
So I moved it into my room because one of the things I really want to do is start my morning routine by journaling, and I want to do that in my room.
So I moved the desk in the hallway to the corner of my room.
I had a desk out in the hallway at the stop of the sta
I’m making a little vision board in my room, and I love this corner now. (I did purchase the board at Kohl’s – it was a clearance item and $28).
It still wasn’t enough, though.
I really wanted to get a big mirror, and this was the other thing I spent money on. I got this big mirror at Walmart for $67ish dollars.
So I did spend a little money.
But that was it.
My dad made that dresser – it’s taken a little beating, but I still love it.
There was still a big, bare wall that was bothering me.
So I gathered a few pictures I had in the house that all had similar frames, and I grouped them together on the wall.
Now I had another problem.
The pictures I had hung above my bed looked to small in comparison to the pictures on the wall.
But I had more frames, and I had more pictures from the calendar I had used for the first pictures above the bed.
So I hung up 4 more pictures.
And now that’s what my “headboard” looks like.
There was one more corner.
The reading corner.
I wanted a comfy corner that felt relazing and inviting where I could chill out and read.
I had a bookshelf my dad made for the kids in my old office.
It was originally stained pine, but I asked my dad to paint it bright pink and I put a lighted cabinet on top of it.
I asked my dad if he would paint it white.
And now it’s part of my reading corner behind my comfy chair.
I relocated some plants upstairs since I have such nice corner windows.
And now my room is complete!
I love it so much!
When I have some money in my budget I want to repaint the room and make some other changes, but for now, this is it!
Not bad for about $100 total!
If you want to make some changes in your bedroom, take a look around your house and see what you might be able to move around.
You might be suprised by what you have and how it can really make an impact!
And if you don’t hear from me for a while, it may be because I’ve locked myself inside my oasis, and I just don’t want to come out.
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I love how you shopped your house . I love the color of the room .