Yesterday I went into New York City to tape a segment for The Mel Robbins Show.
If you’ve never heard of her, Mel Robbins is a teacher/coach/motivational speaker/author and she has a new talk show airing on weekdays.
She’s a no bullshit kind of chick, and she’s famous for her book The Five Second Rule. (You can (affiliate) sign up for a free Audible trial here and listen to it for free).
This was my 3rd trip into NYC in the last two weeks which is very out of the ordinary for me and I believe the Universe keeps sending me to the city for a reason.
When I go, I don’t know what the reasons are, but I find out when I am there.
The first time was to listen to Marie Forleo speak and realize I can navigate the city on my own. I believe the bigger message from the Universe is to remind me that I can navigate any situation on my own.
The second time was for Number 4’s birthday. And my birthday. My birthday is on the September 18th and Number 4’s is September 17th and she ended up in this dressing room:
and I believe 1,000,000% the Universe was letting me know with that one that I need to spend more quality time with me kids and also that I need more adventure in my life.
Yesterday was the 3rd trip, and this happened at the train station on my way into the city.
I am meant to help people. I am sure of it.
That wasn’t the only sign I got yesterday.
First let me tell you a little bit about my day.
Also let me tell you something else I learned from one of my Not Your Average Tribe members on my birthday trip with Number 4 but forgot to share.
Last week I shared a picture with my Tribe members and told them we had made it to NYC destination #1 and now all I needed to do was figure out how to navigate the subway. The subway is super intimidating to me.
And one of the women told me about the MyMTA app.
It’s amazing!!!
It’s like Waze for the subway!
I just entered where I wanted to go, and the app did everything. Told us where to walk and what line to take and how many stops there were before we got there.
Subway intimidation GONE.
If you don’t use the subway because you are clueless, download that app asap!
So I got to Grand Central yesterday, took the subway to Columbus Circle, and then walked to CBS Studios.
I sat in the green room for a while with two other women, and then the wardrobe person came to check out our clothing. I didn’t want to carry clothes in on the train and then drag them around with me on the subway and walking down the street, so I wore my outfit there and was little wrinkled. So they took my shirt to steam it and I had nothing to wear so they gave me a Wendy Williams robe.
That was my favorite part of the day.
My second favorite part was getting my hair and makeup done.
When I am a bazillionaire, I will pay someone to do this all the time.
I can’t tell you what the show was about or give anything away, so you’ll just have to wait until it airs — sometime in late October or November.
But I did get to sit right next to Mel Robbins, and that was pretty cool.
Oh, by the way, I think I know why I was sent to be on the Mel Robbins show.
It wasn’t because I needed her guidance personally.
It’s because I am going to do what she does someday, and I need to see how that works.
Just wait.
After we were done taping, I took my time walking back to the subway.
It was another beautiful day in the city.
Now I know where Columbus Circle is and how to get there from Grand Central.
On my way back to Columbus Circle to get on the subway, I saw my sign.
This time it was an actual sign.
Keep ’em coming, Universe.