When I work with the women in Not Your Average Tribe, one of the biggest reasons they cite for not being able to fit exercise into their day is lack of time.
So we focus quite a bit on how we are inefficient with our time.
One of the biggest ways we fail to use time efficiently is to switch from task to task to task.
You know, multitasking.
(I talked about that here last week).
Every time we shift our focus from one thing to another, we waste time. It takes time to refocus, and it takes time to build momentum.
But when we stick with one task, we can keep the momentum rolling.
This is called batching.
We can batch our tasks in any area of our life, really.
Take meal prep, for instance.
Rather than assemble one salad every day and take the lettuce, carrots, tomato, dressing, etc. out of the fridge five times, you can prepare five salads all at once.
You take five containers out of a cabinet one time, all the food out of the fridge one time, you use one knife to chop all the ingredients and wash it once, rather than using the same knife five days in a row and washing it five times.
The investment of time you make in prepping five salads might take you ten minutes in one day. But do the same thing for one salad five days in a row, and it will take you five minutes a day.
Or twenty five minutes!
By batching that task, you save yourself 15 minutes. And that is 15 minutes you could be doing something else.
Like exercising!
Now imagine if you did this with multiple areas of your life.
You could find hours in your day!
Rather than checking your email every ten minutes, losing focus, and getting distracted, allot a period of time once or twice a day to do it.
Then close the tab, and close the distraction. Every time you are distracted, it takes you an average of 15 minutes to regain your focus.
That’s a lot of time!!!
There is a technique you can use to help you use batching and to stay focused.
I’ll share that with you next week.
Until then, start practicing being aware of how many times you allow yourself to become distracted and switch tasks during the day.
I bet you will be surprised!
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