When I was in second grade, I remember helping a girl in my class with a math problem.
She looked at me and she said, “You’re a really good teacher!”
That was, and still is, one of the best feelings I’ve ever had in my whole life.
I’ve always liked helping other people.
Teaching other people.
Coaching other people.
One of the things you hear people say about teachers is that they are “lifelong learners.”
It’s true.
If you’re a good teacher anyway.
Always trying to better yourself.
There is always room for growth.
That’s not only true for teachers.
It’s true for all of us.
You could look at that as being daunting.
you could look at it as something exciting.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your life,
you can make it better.
And if your life is pretty awesome right now,
it could be even more awesome!
How great is that?
Now learning,
making changes,
becoming a better version of yourself — it’s not easy.
It takes hard work.
But the payoff feels so good.
I worked really hard this past year to lose weight.
To become healthier.
And I did.
January 1, 2013
December 30, 2013
January 1, 2013
December 30, 2013
I feel better not only physically, but mentally.
But I’m not there yet.
I’m not as healthy as I could be.
I’m not as healthy as I want to be.
I know I’m not living my best life.
Now when I say best life, I don’t mean I still want to lose a couple pounds or my abs aren’t tight enough.
Yeah, there is a little more work I’d like to do on my body.
That will come.
But when I say I’m not as healthy as I could be, I am referring to my overall health.
My emotional health.
Finding a balance.
Being mindful.
I like to eat.
I’m not going to say I’m never eating sugar again.
Or flour.
Or meat.
I’m not going to say I’ll never drink another glass of wine.
I will try to limit those things.
Especially if I realize that they are stopping me from living my best life.
I will try to look at unhealthy habits that I still have and change them.
Being mindful is a big one.
There is so much going on in my life that I am having a hard time keeping my mind focused.
Yesterday I went for a run with a friend.
She is a really good friend.
A great listener.
I, on the other hand, could use some help with that.
Yesterday while we were running, my friend was talking, and I had completely tuned out to what she was saying.
I was looking at her.
I was nodding.
I was saying “uh huh” every few seconds.
But I was thinking about all the crap I had to do later that day.
After a minute or two I realized I had no idea what she had just said to me.
I still have the same issue with food.
I have made many changes, but I still have a tendency to mindlessly eat.
What’s worse, I have passed a little bit of this on to my kids.
Especially Numbers 5, 6, and 7.
My mornings are crazy.
I never have enough time.
The little ones are fairly early risers.
And so to gain another half hour, when they wake up, I have been sitting them on the couch,
turning on a tv show,
and giving them a “treat” to eat.
Now it’s nothing crazy…
Cinammon raisin bread.
But still.
I am pretty much forcing my children to mindlessly eat carbs while they stare at the television.
It’s not healthy habit to instill in them.
In the short run or the long run.
I need to stop that.
A little extra organization would help me to do that.
I’ve been thinking about what the kids love.
And you know what they love?
They love tea parties.
And you know what tea parties are?
They are a time when kids mindfully eat.
They break out the fancy dishes.
They enjoy the whole experience of a meal.
They enjoy the simple act of pouring a drink.
My kids need more tea parties.
So do I.
So do we all.
So in 2014, I will focus on being mindful.
I will still focus on losing those last couple pounds.
And working out.
But I will also focus on being present.
On listening.
On the tea parties.
On teaching my children to be mindful.
My next e-course will focus on that too.
Sure, it will focus on losing weight. If that’s what you need.
But maybe you don’t.
We all need exercise to be our best self.
Our bodies need it.
Our hearts need it.
Our bones need it.
Our brains need it.
Maybe you don’t need to lose weight, but you need help staying on track with exercise.
I can help you with that.
I’d love to help you with that.
Maybe disorganization is holding you back.
I can help you with that.
Maybe planning (or lack of it) is stopping you from achieving your goals.
I can help you with that too.
This next course is not just about losing weight.
In fact, it may not be about losing weight at all for some of you.
It’s about helping you live your best life.
Yes, it will take hard work.
If you need a little help, support, motivation, guidance, and/or accountability, think about registering.
It’s only $25.
Eight weeks and $25.
For a better life.
Working toward you best life will take just that.
Hard work.
But the payoff is so worth it.
I will be working toward my better life right alongside you.
A real mom, with real stress, putting in the real hard work, just like you.
Change is possible.
I don’t know about you, but to me, the prospect of a more mindful and happier and healthier life is pretty darn exciting!
Make 2014 your best year yet!
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Just found your blog! Congrats on the weight loss! I’m trying to spread the word about my new venture with a mommy friend of mine- everything is free we just want to inspire and encourage moms to get healthy. We post two full-length Youtube video workouts each week with some easy, healthy meals. Come check us out some time if you’d like!