When I first started writing the blog back in 2012, I was married and we had seven kids at home – my two stepsons and the five kids I had with my husband.
I asked a good friend who had a large blog following at the time if she had any advice, and she recommended that I don’t use the kids’ actual names in the blog.
And I didn’t.
Instead, on kind of a whim because I thought it was funny, I called the kids by number.
My stepsons were around 10 &12 years old years old at the time.
So the kids became known as Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
This worked for a long time.
But now, ten years later, especially now that the kids are enjoying going live with me on Facebook sometimes, it’s kind of impossible to refer to them by number, which I never do in real life.
So, now that we are entering a new era of our lives and this blog, we’ve decided we want to share their real names.
Finding names for the kids was a challenge for me, because having been a teacher and a swim coach for hundreds of kids, most names reminded me of a former student or swimmer.
I’m Swedish on both sides of my family, so I was partial to Scandinavian names.
Number 3, my oldest son, was born 4 weeks early, and we had no name (or car seat) for him when he was born.
After about 24 hours as “Boy Johnson” we named him after my younger brother who died from leukemia when he was 3 years old.
My brother’s name was Christopher.
My oldest son’s name is Kristofer.
He was 7 when I started writing the blog.
Now he’s 17!
I had the name for “Number 4” picked out way before she was born.
I knew what I wanted to name my first girl. I was just waiting to have one!
Number 4 was the impetus for this blog.
She was a handful, and she kept me on my toes. She was five years old when I started NYAM.
Now she’s 15, taller than me, and going to an incredible private school on a four-year academic scholarship.
Her name is Ingrid.
Number 5 was 3 years old when Not Your Average Mom started.
She was my American Girl Doll, Barbie-loving daughter.
Now she’s 13 and how the hell did that happen?
Her name is Gretchen.
Number 6 was my little mama’s boy. He was two years old when I started writing the blog.
Now he’s 12 and I have less than a year before he’s taller than me.
His name is Kasen (rhymes with Jason).
And, last but not least is Number 7.
She was not even a year old when I started writing this blog.
And now she’s 10, and my biggest helper.
Her name is Marit (rhymes with carrot).
And so here we are.
The five most important people in my life.
Kristofer, Ingrid, Gretchen, Kasen, and Marit.
We started out here.
And now we are here.
Thanks for sticking around with us and watching the kids grow up over the last ten years.
And here’s to seeing where we all end up over the course of ten more.
Glad to meet all the children! Thank you.
I just find you to be so real and down to earth. I wish I had done something 1/2 as cool after my divorce. I am remarried for 22 years. I am mostly home due do a disability. Your posts always make me smile. Your exercise makes me smile also even though I don’t exercise. I love your childrens names. I wish you continued success.
Sweet Mama with her babes , do you c the stepkids or is it awkward now
Wow! What a gorgeous family. Tell them all that so many people enjoyed watching them grow up and I know I speak for the peanut gallery that we appreciate them sharing their beautiful names.
Five beautiful children with pretty, pretty names! And, I might add, a fun, charming and most attractive mom!! Lots of love there!!!
Been following for years, it’s so exciting to have the names behind the numbers, and what lovely names they are!
I love the names & seriously your children are gorgeous!
Wow!!!! Well put together Susie.
Such beautiful and #adorable pictures then and now. Such a wonderful way to start my day. Seeing the kids as wee ones! My Swedish Grandmother raised me. The Norwegian names and spelling are terrific. A great heritage for them. My Gma was a very very special Swedish lady THRU and THRU. I love your blog, your lives on Facebook and seeing your kiddos. My gma’s name was Clara Marie Wickstrom Granlund.
For over 10 years I’ve been reading stories about your journey and your children……. is it weird that I had a few names picked out for your kids and Ingrid, Gretchen and Marta (close) were 3 of them?!? Maybe it’s the Swede in me, or perhaps you slipped in your blogs a time or two and it stuck, but correct name or not- I’ve so enjoyed “raising” my family up with yours. Happy to officially know their names and look forward to more laughs and lessons to come!
Ps- loving the breakfast meal ideas
Love all these beautiful names… and the gorgeous photos! Your blog is still one of my all time favorites. So real and heartfelt. I have 4 kids and relate to (+ learn from) your posts in so many ways. Thank you for sticking with the blog and keeping us laughing/ honest/ inspired/ seen/ connected.
Love the names. I missed this post, and was like, woah, when did we get names?
Also, you look much healthier, happier and (dare I say) prettier now than 10 years ago. I know one shouldn’t comment on how another person’s looks, but you are gorgeous.
So fun learning their names, thank you for sharing them with us all these years
Beautiful family! Thank you for introducing them!