Yesterday a friend of mine shared this (from Smashed Peas and Carrots) on her Facebook wall:
I love this.
In theory.
And I know it works for some people.
Maybe it works for most of the people.
But for me it doesn’t work.
Not all of it, anyway.
We do the sleeping as late as you want to or you can.
But we do not do the staying up super late.
Especially not for the little three.
Cause when we do that, well…
it’s not good.
We do screen time, but not insane amounts.
Because when we do that, well…
it’s really not good.
We definitely do hot dogs. Way too many of them.
In fact, at least 50% of our dinners are made on the grill.
Baths are definitely almost 100% taken in the pool, or until the girls’ hair is just short of dreadlocks and a quarter of a bottle of conditioner is in order.
We don’t do summer math packets.
We don’t fill out reading logs or log reading minutes or do flashcards or worry about any summer slide.
We go barefoot as much as possible, we make lots of s’mores, and we do lots of chores.
We go to swim practice two hours a day, six days a week in June and July, but in August, we take the month off.
We eat way too much ice cream and plan day trips ahead of time.
I wish I could have a 100% do-whatever-you-want, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants summer.
But when I have no structure at all, I fall apart.
And when my kids have no structure at all, well… they don’t just fall apart.
They’re kind of a nightmare, really.
So I guess we’re basically half and half.
And that’s how summer goes for us.
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