Last week was Turn Off the TV Week at Number 3 and 4’s school.
Participation was optional, but Number 4 really wanted to do it.
I was kind of dreading it.
Now I’m kind of loving it.
I haven’t watched t.v. in a week.
Neither have the kids.
Not one second.
This is kind of a big deal for me.
Because not only was I relying on the television to occupy the kids so I could get stuff done,
I was also relying on it to decompress at the end of the day and to go to sleep.
But after turning off the tv for a week, I learned that while I thought the television was making my life easier, it was actually making it more difficult.
So what’s changed?
These things:
1. My house is neater.
It’s not that I’ve replaced the hours I spent watching tv with hours of cleaning.
But I’m definitely not as distracted as I was, and I’ve become much more efficient.
We also made a chore chart.
If the kids want to go to the Y, or play outside, or swim, or whatever, they need to get this stuff done first.
And you know what?
They don’t really complain.
Sure, the first day or two they did, but not anymore.
Now, they check the chart, and they get their stuff done.
And if they don’t?
Well, then they don’t do the fun stuff.
You know, like real life.
2. The kids are cooperating more.
They have always gotten along pretty well.
And no, it’s not 100% perfect. They still argue, and annoy each other on purpose.
But they play much better together than they did a week ago.
And they are enjoying the old school activities…
Going outside.
Playing with blocks.
And even reading to each other!
3. I’m saving money.
I haven’t totally gotten rid of the cable.
But we are down to the bare bones.
And I’m seriously considering totally cutting the cord altogether.
And not only are we saving money on cable, we are also saving money on our electric bill.
4. We have a new appreciation for music.
Having the tv on in the background added noise to my day.
But having music on in the background has added energy.
I broke out some old cds and we’ve been listening to different genres of music in the car.
In fact, Number 3’s favorite new song is Let’s Go to the Hop, by Danny and the Juniors.
This week the kids will learn some Led Zeppelin, Aretha Franklin, and a little Grateful Dead.
5. Bedtime is easier. And more fun.
The can we just watch five more minutes! autoresponse to “It’s time for bed” has been completely eliminated.
We have been reading before bed instead of staring at a screen.
The kids actually look forward to that time.
And not only are the kids getting to bed easier…
So am I.
I don’t think we have seen the end of the positive changes turning off the TV has brought to our lives.
I think they are just beginning.
And we are not going to eschew the television 100%.
We are all going through a little bit of Little House on the Prairie withdrawal.
So I’m not sure how or when we will reintroduce it.
But until I figure that out, we’ve got plenty of things to do to keep us busy and happy and healthy.
Serious question: When they refuse to do the chore or whatever other task they need to do before they can do the fun stuff, what do they do? Mine refuses to pick up her stuff, practice piano, etc., and that’s fine, but what do I do with her if she won’t do it? Send her to her room? That’s like a reward with all the fun shit in there. Send her to time out? No, I don’t want resentment of cleaning, piano, bathing, etc. Spank her? Um, obviously not. I need a line to follow this: “OK, that’s fine if you are not going to do ______, but you are not going to do _____ until you do _____.” Her stubborn little self just says No, and I don’t know what to say next or to do with her until she decides to clean up, bathe, etc. Thanks for any advice.
Hey Anna,
How old is your daughter? And what is her favorite thing to do?
She’ll be four at the end of June. Her favorite things to do are probably go to the park, eat ice cream, or (cringe) watch TV. (These are in addition to creating a power struggle over every.single.thing, of course.)