I think there should be term limits set for the Tooth Fairy.
Because the one assigned to this house sucks.
I can understand one missed tooth.
And maybe even two.
But our tooth fairy has forgotten to collect the last four teeth in this house.
Number 4 even had the box with the tooth in it under her pillow since 1:00 yesterday afternoon.
And it was wide open.
“Because last time Mom, the Tooth Fairy didn’t leave any money because she couldn’t open the box.”
Before that, it was a broken GPS.
And the time before that? She just couldn’t find the tooth.
You know what they say, Tooth Fairy…
Excuses are like assholes…
Maybe she should just pay for the rest up front.
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Marysue says
The worst is trying to dig around for a tooth without waking a kid up! I have talked to some moms that ask their kids to leave the tooth on a desk. The reason I started Tooth Fairy Works is to make the whole process easier for moms
Sandy Boyer says
When my kids were still young I had them put the tooth in a small juice glass size glass of water in the kitchen window over the sink. I always saw it first thing because I went right to the sink to get water to make a pot of coffee. Or I’d catch it the night before after they were all in bed and I was putting the last of the popcorn bowls in the sink to soak. Take tooth, dump water and leave money in the glass. 90% of the time I remembered.
Sasha says
The tooth fairy sucks in our house too so I usually have to cover for her. My boys are not good at looking for things so when they lift up the pillow and find no money it’s mom to the rescue. The fairy has put the funds in the pilliow case, under the mattress and I even found it under the bed but we think thats because my son is a messy sleeper.
susiej says
I’m going to remember those for the next 3 teeth that I forget…