We have been operating under this rule for,
In the past 2 weeks, things have gotten even busier than normal for me.
I am training for a triathalon.
And running an e-course.
And writing this blog.
And teaching swim lessons.
Oh yeah.
And doing all the shit that is necessary to take care of 7 children.
You know,
like cooking,
and laundry,
and driving,
and grocery shopping.
and seven thousand other things.
So I don’t have much spare time.
And when I do, I sure as hell don’t want to spend it looking for goggles.
Or bathing suits.
Or baseball socks.
Or blankies.
Or pencils.
Or wipes.
Or crocs.
Or remotes.
Or batteries.
Or sunglasses.
Or cough drops.
Or water bottles.
Or sunscreen.
Or wiffle balls.
Or DS chargers.
Or any. fucking. thing. else.
My kids did not recognize the value my time.
Because neither did I.
I was doing some really unneccessary shiznit.
And getting very angry with everyone in this house.
And you know how that goes…
And so, two days ago,
I made a proclamation.
I am no longer looking for anyone else’s stuff.
I’m pretty sure Steve Jobs wasn’t searching for post-its in the Apple supply closet.
And the president of this company isn’t doing that shit anymore either.
If someone goes to school without her homework,
I don’t care.
If someone goes to baseball practice without his baseball hat,
I don’t give a rat’s ass.
If someone has to wear two different shoes because she can’t find a matching pair,
Eh. Whatever.
My time is valuable.
And do you know what happened once I made sure everyone was clear on that one thing?
I didn’t spend one second yesterday looking for anything.
Well, except my keys.
But that was my own fault.
And do you know how many kids went to school without their homework?
Do you know how many lost baseball hats there were yesterday?
Apparently people in this house don’t want to waste their own time looking for crap in this house.
All it took was for one kid to have to spend 15 minutes of his own time looking for something,
and realizing that,
it totally sucks,
for the behavior to change.
Well, it may have taken 43 years.
But I finally got it.
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Jessica says
Irene C. says
Good for you Susie.
My husband tells my oldest daughter that I have “magical finding powers.” My “magic” is that I actually bend down and look underneath the couch/table or move the existing crap that may be covering what we are looking for like paper, toys, shoes, etc. If I stopped looking for stuff, no one would get out of the house. I wish I could say that I am retiring my “magical finding powers,” but I know that is not happening for at least this decade.
Lisa says
You have just inspired me! I think I may have to institute this rule as well. I also waste a lot of time looking for things that drives me nuts.
Deanna says
I tell my 7.5 year old that if he cant find it and I get up and find it, it has now become mine. He will look at me and say “oh, well, um….nevermind” and go look for it himself. He unfortunatly has the same gene my husband and father has……when he looks for something, he looks up at the ceiling. Like its going to fall from there and bonk him on the head….instead of, you know…..on the dresser, or floor…where it is more likely to be.
Stef says
I stopped looking for other peoples’ stuff when I became more concerned about it than they were. When my kids/husband can’t find stuff I tell them to take off their “man-eyes”. B/c men can’t find anything that’s not directly in front of them with a flashing neon sign saying “HERE I AM!!” Although I do get a slight twinge of satisfaction when the said object is directly in front of their noses and they couldn’t find it…but I could!
Carla says
omg!! I freaking love you:0) This blog has made me laugh and this one….i almost spat my tea at the monitor.