Basketball season is now almost upon us.
Not that long ago I wrote this, about the near impossibility of actually watching your child participate in a sporting event if you have any other children there with you.
But that was during baseball season.
At least at a baseball game you are outside. There is some room for those little ones to wander around. Maybe even a playground to play on.
But being trapped inside with your other kids provides a whole new set of challenges. Especially when there is like a 2 foot perimeter around the court that they are required to remain in.
To remain seated in.
While they watch a bunch of other kids running around.
And chasing balls.
Yeah, I hate basketball season.
So when Number 1 decided he wanted to do indoor track, I was initially excited.
But indoor track is uncharted territory.
There will be new challenges to face.
Is there equipment there that can be destroyed? Because one of my children will find a way to do that.
Are there bleachers in there?
Number 6 and bleachers don’t mix too well.
And is there enough space at an indoor track meet to run around? Because Number 7 has reached that stage where she refuses to be held or even sit still.
Well, at least Number 3 and 4 are at the point where I don’t have to worry so much about them.
Oh yeah.
Except for one small detail.
The coach.
His name is Mr. Butt.
Looks like Number 1 will be competing at his meets without any of his siblings there to watch him.
Any of the siblings who can speak, anyway.
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