I love Halloween.
LOVE it.
In fact, I might love it more as an adult than I did as a kid.
I still love a great costume.
There’s nothing better than the anticipation of putting it all together and making a grand entrance.
I’ve dressed as just about everything under the sun.
I’ve been Big Bird,
I’ve been Hello Kitty (yeah, that’s me in that big Hello Kitty head, and no, I couldn’t see).
I’ve been the Osbournes.
Beth and Dog,
I’ve had costumes that were a little shocking,
and maybe a little politically incorrect.
But you know what made each one of them really, really fun?
They happened once a year.
Not twice.
Not 13 times.
What happened to having Halloween once a year?
Can’t even holidays be special anymore?
Where is the build up?
Where is the appreciation for that one night a year?
Is a trunk-or-treat in every parking lot in the state of Connecticut really necessary?
How much candy do the kids need to accumulate?
No wonder our kids are turning into self-centered wimps.
There’s no waiting.
Everything is instant gratification.
Over, and over, and over again.
Well not me.
We may hit an extra party.
And they can wear their costumes as much as they want at home.
But this mom is keeping the treat in trick-or-treat.
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I think they have those trunk or treat things for people who dont want to take the kids trick or treating on the actual halloween day (due to school being the next day, the perverts who are “unregistered” —if you get my drift—, the ones that ARE registered, weather…etc) We got invited to one last year…I passed it up —due to the reasons you gave above…halloween is halloween and it’s on the 31st of October. I kind of wish we had gone to the ToT because it rained like it was a typhoon on the 31st and we ended up at the mall. You want to know how many pieces of candy my kid got? 7. Do you know how long it took him to get those 7 pieces? 90 minutes. Thankfully we had bags of it at home (that my sister was passing out to the non existent kids trick or treating) but it just wasnt the same.
The trunk or Treat thing is new here (either that or Ive been living in a cave). The first time I had heard of one was 2 years ago.
Only time we did trick or trunk was when my 1st kid was like a baby, but they had it on Halloween night. Otherwise as the kids got older, I would just incorporate the baby in the baby sling into my costume, and walk the kids around the neighborhood.
I have never heard of a trunk or treat until I moved to CT. I am taking my kids to their first one this weekend (can’t hurt to try it out.) We ALWAYS go out on Halloween…rain, freezing weather, etc. When we had the blizzard two years, I called 3 of my neighbors and asked if I could drive my daughter over for trick or treating (in her princess dress with snow boots.) The neighbors were so nice and gave her a ton of candy.
it wasnt just rain….rain I can deal with. It was 60 MPH winds with freezing rain….we werent trick or treating in that.