It’s no secret that I’ve had some dealings with more than one mental health issue.
I’ve written about it here.
And here.
And here.
I’m not ashamed of it.
Or embarrassed by it.
I believe many of the problems in our society are a direct result from the stigma that is still attached to mental illness.
Most people are reluctant to talk about it.
The other day I wrote a post about how my husband and I have found a new therapist.
People don’t talk about that either.
But I know we’re not the only two in this boat.
I know because after I wrote that post, multiple people sent me messages asking for the name of the therapist.
So anyway, something was brought to my attention last week.
I have been carpooling to school in the morning with a friend.
She drives Number 3 and 4 to school a couple times a week, and I drive her daughter once or twice a week.
This friend hurt her foot, and she has to wear one of those plastic boots, and she has to go to physical therapy.
Last week she had a scheduling conflict because of a PT appointment, so I didn’t drive her daughter to school.
Number 3 and 4 were bummed.
Number 3 asked why my friend’s daughter wasn’t driving with us.
“She has to go to therapy this morning, so her schedule is not the same as it usually is,” I told him.
And Number 3 looked at me.
His eyes grew wide.
“Mom? Mrs. W has….
I clarified that it was physical therapy, but still…
How the hell did that happen?
How did I raise a kid who has that reaction to someone going to any kind of therapy?
How have I not taught my children that we all have issues?
I’ve been more than willing to share my mental health journey with the world, but I guess I haven’t really shared it with my kids.
I’m not really sure why.
We talk about how that birds and the bees discussion is so important.
How we need to have that talk with the kids before it’s too late.
And it is.
But no one mentions the issues talk.
And just as I don’t want my kids knocking someone up, or getting knocked up due to lack of education and misinformation,
I don’t want them suffering mentally for the same reason.
I come from a long line of depressed addicts. On both sides of my family.
They are all at risk.
So tonight, the kids and I are going to have a talk.
We’ve got some issues to discuss.
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