Number 7 has a thing for flushing shit that isn’t actually shit down the toilet.
She’s just following in her older brother’s footsteps.
A couple years ago, the toilet in the mudroom stopped working.
After trying to unclog that thing, we eventually discovered what Number 6 had flushed down it when we finally just smashed it to pieces.
Number 7 has flushed Legos and balls and food and all sorts of stuff down the toilet.
My husband can now remove a toilet and pull (non organic) crap out of the bottom and then reattach the toilet in world-record time.
So the other morning when I walked into the mudroom bathroom and saw that it had been duct taped shut, I knew Number 7 had been hard at work again.
Last night my husband tried to snake the toilet, but it was to no avail.
So we were back to this:
It didn’t take long to discover the culprit.
My husband was not happy.
He’s getting kind of tired of unbolting our toilets from the floor.
He gave Number 7 a very stern talking to.
She dropped her head.
“I’m weally sowwy, Daddy,” she said, genuinely feeling bad.
I think I actually saw a part of my husband melt.
So I don’t know if Number 7 gets it.
She may have more things to flush.
But what I do know is that if you can’t find your diaphragm, just grab Mr. Potato Head’s hat.
That thing stops all sorts of shit from getting past it.
My now 4 1/2 yr old flushed my car keys down the toilet so I know your pain. An 1 1/2 yr old like to watch the Legos dance. Try to keep bathrm door shut but then 3yr old can’t get in. Lol. Maybe now yours will get it now. After the keys mine never put anything in potty again.
Car keys might have pushed me over the edge.
How can you punish someone that adorable? My heart melted just by looking at the picture! The adorable factor saves my 2 year olds life daily.
Yes, she’s lucky. She’s gonna work that for a while. Probably forever.