Happy Birthday to my favorite six and seven-year-olds!
(And yes, they are EXACTLY one year apart, and no, I didn’t have C-sections!)
It seems like this was just yesterday.
I can’t stop you from growing.
So instead, I guess I’ll do my best to be mindful on the ride.
I would like to say something. Im glad to see that you make them individual cakes. My kids are exactly 5 years and one week apart. We have begun having just one family party (due to schedules just being insane) but on their actual birthday….they each get sung to and a cake (and their present from us) I did get them one cake for their family party but had it decorated completely differently on each half…Each kid deserves something that is their very own on their special day…..even if they (get to) share it with a sibling……
Our angels really do grow up fast, happy birthday to your loves!