A couple years ago I met a mom through the swim team when I coached her daughter.
Her name is Hannah Munroe.
She is a very cool woman who is a photographer and artist.
She asked me back at the beginning of the summer if Number 5 would like to be a model for an idea she had for a photograph.
Or more like a piece of art.
I’ll get to that in a minute. Before I show you the awesome photo she made, let me show you these other pictures.
Hannah told me she’d also do just a fun photo shoot for Number 5 and get her some regular photos — like a real modeling “shoot.”
So this past June we went over to her house/studio.
She took these awesome pictures of Number 5.
I shared a few of them this summer as soon as I got them.
They came out awesome!
And Number 5 had a blast.
But it’s this next piece that is really amazing.
And it’s hard to convey how awesome the finished product is without being there when the photos were taken.
What Hannah does is pretty incredible.
She comes up with a concept in her mind, and then she figures out the pictures she needs to take in order to make the finished product.
Then she takes a whole bunch of photos — in her living room studio — and she uses Photoshop to merge them all together to make these works of art.
She explained to us what her vision was, and then she had Number 5 do different things, knowing how she wanted to piece them together.
She had Number 5 skipping and jumping and dropping things on the ground and tossing things behind her, and she had me holding a fan.
Her idea was to create a portrait of a little girl doing all the things you are told not to do when you are a kid.
Run with scissors, play with matches, use Sharpies and nail polish and wear your mother’s jewelry, etc.
It didn’t take long for Hannah to edit the “modeling photo shoot” pictures of Number 5.
But this “story telling” photo she was working on takes much longer to finish.
And the final product was part of an exhibit Hannah contributed to, and it won first place.
It’s really cool.
Number 5’s “photo story” is entitled Mischievous.
Here it is:
Here it is up a little bit closer:
So I just wanted to share because I think this is really cool, and I thought you might want to check out some of Hanna’s other photographs.
Her website is Nonni Studios, and she’s out of Bethel, CT.
Thank you for the awesome experience and the even more awesome photos, Hannah!
Don’t forget about us when you are famous!
The story photos don’t show anything for me.
They did now.
How did I miss this? Spectacular!