I’ve been on a mission to be more positive.
It’s making a difference.
It’s funny how the more positive you are, um, the more positive you are.
It’s one of those snowball effect kind of things.
I’ve been making a really big effort to look at the annoying shit that happens on a weekly/daily/hourly basis from a different perspective.
And to not allow myself to go to a place where I let something relatively minor or unimportant ruin my entire day.
Some days it’s easier than others.
I’ve been feeling pretty good about how I’ve managed to change my perspective.
And then a friend sent me this picture today.
She told me it made her think of my positive mental attitude.
My initial reaction was that it was nice that she thought of me.
Then I really didn’t give it a second thought.
But then I did.
Go 24 hours without complaining?
I started to really think about my day.
I thought about how I had complained about relay assignments at a swim meet and kids not cleaning crap up at home and not having time to take a shower and all sorts of other stuff today.
I guess I complain more than I thought I did.
So anyway, I looked a little more closely.
I clicked on that picture my friend sent me and I read the comments below it on Facebook.
There were hundreds of people who wanted to give it a shot. Who thought it was a great idea.
And then there were people who, for lack of a better word, complained about it.
They said things like this:
“Go 24 hrs without complaining then watch how your life starts to change? Yes, it will change all right – people will start shitting on you left, right & centre. I’m Sorry but Some things should just NOT be tolerated, & if we never complained, NOTHING would change!”
Clearly this person doesn’t get it.
There are some things we don’t need to complain about. Like the weather. Like the cable not working.
I think that’s what this picture is talking about.
It’s different than standing up for yourself. Or speaking out about an injustice.
And I think what some people don’t understand is that there really is a way to express yourself without being negative about it.
I could still let my husband know I’m tired without acting as though I may not live to see tomorrow.
There is a difference between I had the worst night’s sleep ever, and If I have an opportunity to take a nap today, I’m totally gonna take it!
So now this complaining thing has been on my mind.
My kids complain.
A lot.
And they really have nothing to complain about.
I know it’s partly a kid’s nature.
But I’m not sure I’ve been helping them as much as I could in this department.
I think I might be modeling a lot more complaining than I think I am.
Being around whiny kids is no fun.
But being around whiny adults is even less fun.
So I think I’m going to try this tomorrow.
I won’t complain about a kid or a teacher or a traffic jam or a dirty dish or a mess in the mudroom or my financial situation or missing the bus or people at Costco not returning their (fucking) carts.
No complaints.
For the whole day.
Anyone wanna join me?
I’m going to go for it.
Also going to give it a try!
I want to try too
odd how easy it is to be negative…
I accept your mission! For tomorrow. So tonight I’m gonna have a proper moan and get it out my system!
i complain a whole lot. I think I’d like to try this, too.
Me! (I actually saw your FB post this morning and was going to be complaint-free today, but I slipped. So I’m trying again tomorrow.)
This is a great idea. I tried to live without complaints starting January 1 this year, that was nice but difficult. I failed after 8 days. I think I’m gonna try again. Good luck to you, hope you won’t fail like I did.
I don’t actually complain a lot. I think I made the unconscious decision to not give voice to most of the negative things in my head a long time ago. However, I do bitch at my kids and my husband. I’m gonna try to cut WAY back on that. Thanks, Susie!
BTW How about to have a secret box, and every time you fail you place a dollar in it. Later you can check how good you are. And if the result will disappoint you at least you will be reach