Dear Future Girlfriends and Boyfriends of My Sons and Daughters,
Today is Valentine’s Day.
I did not buy Valentine’s Day presents for my kids, your boyfriends and girlfriends, today.
I did not give them cards.
I did not decorate the house,
or buy candy hearts,
or chocolates,
or make decorations out of doilies or construction paper.
I did not make heart shaped cookies,
or pancakes,
or sandwiches,
or pieces of fruit.
I did not surprise them with a teddy bear or any other stuffed animal holding a Valentine’s Day related item in its arms when they came downstairs for breakfast.
I did not do one single thing.
This morning as my husband and I watched the weather on the morning news, a blurb for an upcoming Valentine’s Day segment on The Today Show came on.
My husband looked at me and said,
“Oh yeah. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
That was the extent of our celebration.
So, to you future girlfriends of my sons,
I apologize.
I have not prepared your boyfriends to make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day.
Neither has their father.
But I do hope that I am raising them to be the kind of boyfriends who will love, respect, and make you feel special every day of the year.
Not just on February 14th.
And to the future boyfriends of my daughters?
Well, all I can say is …
you’re welcome.
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we are a low maintenance couple as well.