Today’s post is short and sweet because it’s 8:17 pm and the kids (and Number 7 in particular) are waiting for me to watch Little House On The Prairie (we are on Season 6 and Laura and Almonzo are going to become an item at some point in this season and they are super anxious for that episode to arrive).
I spent most of the day figuring out how to use a new livestreaming platform for my Live Workshop on Saturday!
I was able to get a lot of work done today without everything else going to shit today.
Which brings me to my point.
One of the biggest reasons the last 35 days have been manageable for me is because my kids are super helpful at home.
They have regular chores and are responsible for keeping all the common areas — the kitchen, dining room, mudroom/laundry room, and family room — neat and clean.
I don’t have to worry about any of that at all.
And I don’t have to nag or lose my shit in order for that to happen either.
We have a really, REALLY good routine — even on Spring Break — and it’s been a sanity saver.
A residual effect of the kids having daily responsibilities is that when they are responsible for keeping certain areas of the house clean (in addition to their rooms and their clothes) they are more likely not to trash everything.
Cause they know they are the ones who are gonna have to clean it all up.
I’ve been adding in a few new responsibilities — some of the kids have been cooking some of the meals. Or at least parts of them.
That’s also extremely helpful right now.
It took me a while to figure out what works.
Like years.
I made a lot of mistakes. I did lots of stuff that was really ineffective. I wasted lots of time and energy.
And it’s not always a well oiled machine.
Sometimes the kids aren’t feeling it.
But 95% of the time they are proactive and they almost always do a thorough job. I don’t have to monitor them or inspect their “work” or follow them around like a drill sergeant.
And that has saved my sanity these past five weeks.
Which is why I created this workshop.
Because I know that’s one of the hardest parts of what we are dealing with right now.
Feeling the pressure of having to either pick up after your whole family, or feeling like the only way anyone will pitch in is if you go ballistic.
The workshop will show you how to get your kids to help out without nagging or losing your shit.
In 90 minutes, I’ll teach you what took me over ten years to figure out.
I’m doing a 60 minute workshop delivered in a closed Facebook group followed by a 30 minute question and answer session. If we need to go longer we will go longer.
It’s this Saturday, April 18th at 1 pm EST.
If you can’t attend live, the workshop will be recorded and you’ll have lifetime access to it.
You’ll receive a workbook with materials to help get you started in a new and manageable direction.
If your kids do nothing to help out at home, if you are feeling overwhelmed, if it’s pissing you off that nobody other than you is doing anything around the house, and if you just don’t know how you are going to get through the next few months with your sanity intact, this will help you.
I’d love to have you join me.
Click here to get your butt registered and to find some easier and more effective ways to get your whole family on board.
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