Back when I lived in Pennsylvania I had a friend who was also a teacher and she was about 10 years older than me.
We were at a party or something and we were talking and I remember her telling me that she had a rule about no sex on clean sheet night.
Meaning the day she changed the sheets there would be no sex that night so they would stay nice and clean for at least a full twenty-four hours.
Today the cleaning ladies came to my house.
Yes, they changed the sheets, but that’s not what this post is about.
Well, sort of, but not really.
The thing that challenges me the most in my house is my kitchen.
Today is the fourth time the cleaning ladies have come.
And there is nothing better than walking into my house after they have been here and walking into my kitchen.
I mean, this is a nice sight, right?
My kitchen isn’t perfect. It has taken a serious beating over the past ten years.
But I love it so much.
And today was a GORGEOUS day in Connecticut, so it was really pretty looking out my back windows.
It was especially nice to walk into my kitchen today after the cleaning ladies came and did their awesome thing and look out the windows.
I’ve been thinking about clean sheet night ever since the cleaning ladies started coming to my house.
It’s not my sheets, but my kitchen that I want to keep clean for a full 24 hours if possible.
So I made a decision today.
On clean kitchen night, there will be no cooking.
I am going to spend a little extra cash on food that is already prepared on clean kitchen night so I can preserve the view for a full 24 hours. Or as close to 24 hours as possible.
It is worth the investment in my sanity and decreased levels of stress.
So today while there were three awesome ladies cleaning my house, I went to the grocery store and bought a chicken parmigian sub, turkey and mashed potatoes, chicken fried rice and sweet and sour chicken, potato wedges, and penne with pink sauce.
You know what is even better than clean kitchen night?
Clean kitchen night and no cooking night.
Actually, no.
What is better than clean kitchen night is clean kitchen, no cooking and clean sheet night.
The Holy Trinity of Motherhood.
The start to my day wasn’t exactly how I envisioned it would be when I woke up.
But the end of my day?
It’s pretty darn good.
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