I was terrified to tell the kids about the divorce. I Googled just about every combination of words I could think of. How to tell your kids you are getting divorced. The best way to tell your kids you are getting divorced. Tips for telling your kids you are getting divorced. Every article and blog
Choose Your Ending
Before we told the kids about the divorce, I was terrified of both their reaction and my reaction. I couldn’t fathom not being with them. Not even for one night. Which is kind of funny. Because there have been many, many, many nights where I would have loved a break. And now I have that
Chapter One: The Wedding
I’m working on a book. Maybe. Here’s the first chapter. I got kind of drunk at our wedding. I don’t know if I could tell you the exact reason why. It was probably a combination of a few things. September 18, 2004 was our wedding day, and it was also my 35th birthday. Hurricane Ivan
My First Night
***NOTE FROM SUSIE — trying something new tonight… I might have a book in me. Here’s a chapter. What do you think?*** We told the kids about the divorce the Friday night before. All the details had yet to be worked out, and we were all still living in the same house. One thing we
Just A Little Tropical Storm
My blog post streak was ruined again. This time by Mother Nature. On Tuesday what was left of Hurricane Isaias made its way to Connecticut. I don’t watch the news, and I’ve been a little distracted by life lately, so I don’t know if I missed a bunch of warnings or if nobody really warned
I Can Sit In Discomfort
Yesterday I shared that I am getting divorced. This wasn’t a decision we came to quickly. In fact the process was officially started almost a year ago. But it wasn’t until last week that we shared this information with the kids. There are two reasons it took so long to really get the process moving.