Tonight is Dateline night. Part of me is hoping to be on for more than one minute. But part of me isn’t. Punctuality has never been a strength of mine. I’m never ready ahead of time. When people come over for a playdate, or a party, or a holiday, I am usually in the shower. If I’m really
Move over Jackson Pollock
There is, well, was, this painter named Mark Rothko. Now I’m no art officionado. But I just don’t get this shit. Here is one of his paintings: It’s called “White Center.” It sold for $72.84 million dollars. $72.84 million fucking dollars. Here is “No. 1.” That one sold for $75,000,000. And recently, “Orange, Red, Yellow”
No means no. Sometimes. Sort of.
To write about this, or not to write about this… That is the question. But. Well. I can’t help myself… There was a clip from Good Morning America on the internet yesterday. It was about a 9-year-old girl who lost 66 pounds in less than a year. First, let me be clear. Yes, I think
I’m pretty sure tube tops are off the list too…
So according to a stupid article I read on the internet yesterday, I am too old to be applying a fake tan. Which is okay, because I like to get my wrinkles the old fashioned way. And I’m also too old to be wearing leather pants. I don’t know if I think I’m too old
Geo Puzzle Board Giveaway!
So this great online toy company called Momula sent me this Geo Puzzle Board to check out. It’s cute, sturdy, and perfect for a one-year-old. Here is mine: The spaces are big enough so that the pieces can easily fit in, and your kid won’t get so frustrated that he or she will whip them across the room. Check
Apparently Garth Brooks has friends in high places too…
I guess I should start a Monday morning off with something motivating… A let’s-start-this-week-off-on-a-good-note-and-put-our-positive-thoughts-out-to-the-universe kind of post. But instead I’m going to complain. About Trisha Yearwood. And if you are saying, “Who the hell is Trisha Yearwood?”… Well that’s pretty much why I’m complaining. A while back I mentioned on the facebook page that maybe