My kids really pissed me off yesterday. So I yelled at them. Not all at once. I let my anger out in intervals. Throughout the day. I mean, why only ruin one small part of the day when you can ruin the whole thing, right? I slept right through my alarm, and I didn’t wake up
Chalk another one up for the benefits of family dinners.
Just in case you were worried that all your compliments were giving me an inflated ego, I want to assure you that my children are always available to smack my self-esteem right back down to where it usually is. And, I don’t know about you, but I could use just a tiny little break from
I’m not normal. And that’s what makes me normal.
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t compare myself to every other girl in the room. As far back as I remember. She’s prettier than me. Skinnier than me. Smarter than me. More popular than me. Has nicer clothes than me. She’s just plain old better than me. That shit is tiring! So
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. ~ Mark Twain
I didn’t sit down at the computer yesterday with the intention of, you know… …coming out. It just kind of happened. And immediately after I pressed the “publish” button, I had a full-blown anxiety attack. What the hell did I just do? What if my kids’ teachers read this? What about the people I teach swim lessons
I think it’s time I shared this with you.
Editor’s Note: This post was written in December 2012, a few days after the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, just a few miles from my house in Connecticut. I’m tired. I think we all are. I cannot spend too much time thinking about the families who were directly affected by the events on Friday.
Hold On To What Is Good
I live in Brookfield, CT, less than one mile from Newtown, Connecticut’s town line. Sandy Hook Elementary School is 6.74 miles from my house. Yesterday morning I was at the Y in Brookfield. One of the staff members there came up to me in the middle of my workout and asked me if I had