Now we have 2 of them.
Number 2 turned 13 yesterday.
When people find out how many “little” kids we have, they often say, “Oh, you’ve got your hands full. It will get easier.”
Hmmm. I don’t think so.
When they are teenagers, your title changes instantaneously from “Coolest Mom Ever” to “Lamest Mom Ever.”
When they are teenagers, they are still defiant. Only now, they have a much larger vocabulary.
And they can run a lot faster.
When they are teenagers, you still get shit on. Just not literally anymore.
And now, with ipods and ipads and laptops and apps, they actually do know more than you do.
That last one really pisses me off.
When they are little you worry, but at least they are contained. You always know where they are. And if you realize you’ve made a parenting mistake, you still have time to correct the problem.
But at 13… well…
Les jeux sont faits.
Sure, you still have a little bit more influence, but now it’s pretty much up to them.
And that, is way more scary than a choking hazard.
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