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I’ve been writing this blog for a long time now — eight and a half years! — and I’ve learned a lot in that time.
So much has changed.
Way back in the beginning I had no idea what I was doing.
I still don’t know what I’m doing in a lot of areas.
But I’ve learned A LOT. And every day I learn more.
Way back in the beginning I had hopes of eventually making enough money to support my family through this blog. I didn’t know how that would work.
A couple years in I started my first online course.
I look back now at how I was running those early courses and I cringe.
But when you are new, you just don’t know. And you learn by doing.
By failing.
By trying new things and seeing what works and seeing what doesn’t.
At one point I was focused on weight loss.
Then I was focused on parenting.
Then I was accepted by an advertising company, and when that happened, I began focusing heavily on generating traffic to my site because traffic = $$$.
I want to have several different streams of income for my business.
But what I’m most passionate about now – and this is largely influenced by what is going on in my personal life and what I’ve learned and discovered in the last couple years – is helping women lead lives that they are passionate about.
Helping women — and especially moms — rediscover their gifts and talents unique contributions to the world, and, if they’ve lost it, their self-sufficiency.
My goal is to help women comprehend the importance of making their health, both physical and mental, a priority so they can realize their potential.
So they don’t find themselves living a life they don’t love where they are neglecting themselves, doubting themselves, and feeling resentful and stuck.
I think this happens to many of us because we are doing things we think we should do.
We have been taught to put other peoples’ needs before ours either by our own mothers (who didn’t know any better and were also raised that way) and by society.
We have placed ourselves in situations where we don’t have financial independence.
We have become people pleasers who don’t know how to say no to things that don’t serve us or aren’t aligned with our true core values and beliefs.
My passion is to help women find their passion. To empower them to build the lives they truly want. Lives they are excited about.
Anyway, you have probably noticed that I post a lot of previously published posts.
Mostly in effort to drive more traffic to my site to increase advertising revenue.
But I’m not interested in looking back.
I’m interested in looking ahead.
Sometimes we put energy and focus into the wrong things because that’s just the way we’ve been doing things.
Sometimes we focus on the quick fix. On what we can do in the short term to make life better, not realizing that it’s preventing us from focusing on what will truly help us grow.
Help us grow mentally or emotionally or financially.
So I just wanted to let you know I won’t be republishing any previously written posts on the FB page anymore.
If you see a post there, it’s new.
My focus has changed.
Or more accurately, I’ve realized I was putting too much focus (and time and energy) on the wrong things. On things that were holding me back from building the business (and life) that I ultimately want to build.
So this is your friendly reminder to take some time to evaluate what you are doing.
Is it serving you? Is it helping you go where you ultimately want to go?
I do this with my membership group every Sunday.
Evaluating what’s working and what isn’t working isn’t something you do with just the major parts of your life.
It’s something you can do on a weekly — and even daily — basis.
We talk about where we want to be at the end of the month, and what is the one thing we can do every day to help us get there. We focus on one small thing.
Not a bunch of things. Just one.
Some of the “one things” the women in my group focused on last week were:
- throwing away 10 pieces of paper a day (for a member working on decluttering)
- getting in bed by 9:15 each night
- not drinking alcohol on weeknights
- getting 10,000 steps in every day
- planning in their journal every day
- stretching for 5 minutes daily
By focusing on one small thing, we make progress toward a bigger goal.
Every Sunday we evaluate how the week went.
How successful were we?
If we weren’t successful, what was the reason?
Sometimes it’s because we realize we were really focusing on the wrong thing. That there is something more important (and effective) to focus on.
Sometimes the one thing is perfect. And that remains the focus for the next week.
This past week I realized I was focusing too much time and energy on something in my business. So I made a change.
Take a minute tonight to focus on your past week.
If your life isn’t going in the direction you’d like it to go, there’s a good chance you are just putting your time and energy into something that’s not serving you.
And the great thing is that you are driving the bus and you can change that!
Need help figuring out your one thing?
Drop a comment!
And I’ll help you find a place to start so you can start focusing on what’s most beneficial for you, too.
I need a reboot. I need to learn to do less at work, more at home, and something for me each week. I need to figure out how to actually live the idea of “letting the perfect get in the way of the good enough…” I’m great at helping others, but not so much me….