I’ve been a bitch to my husband again.
And again, don’t get me wrong, it’s not for nothing.
He deserved it a little bit, but I need to get over it.
I haven’t really spoken to him, unless it was absolutely necessary in about 4 days.
I fell off the sleeping-in-the-bed wagon a little while ago too.
Yesterday my husband told me that he was talking to an architect he works with, and he said to him,
“Well, apparently my wife only needs me for two things. To catch a mouse, and to clean up shit from the basement.”
That’s not good.
The kids are really enjoying the advent calendar.
Or the scroll thingy, as they have started calling it.
They ask about fifteen times a day if it’s time to see what’s on the next piece of paper.
They love the decorations, too. And the fact that they can actually see them.
Yesterday Number 4 said to me,
“Mom. You’re seriously going hard core with Christmas this year.”
She’s right. I am.
With the kids.
But not with everyone.
I’m feeling like I’ve really created a festive and joyful home for the kids.
But for my husband?
So far his Christmas experience has been 1 part this:
And like 20 parts this:
I went to Costco with Number 7 on Tuesday.
If you’ve never been to Costco, when you walk out the door with all your stuff, there’s an employee standing there who checks your cart and your receipt, to make sure you haven’t stolen anything.
If you are pushing a kid in your cart, sometimes that person draws a smiley face on the back of the receipt.
I don’t know what it is about that stupid smiley face, but my kids love it.
Number 7 walked around all day with that receipt in her hand. She took a nap with it. She would not let go of it.
And it’s like that every time we go. Number 5 and 6 have their own Costco smiley face collections.
So much appreciation and actual joy from a little piece of paper.
There they go again.
Just when I think I’m the one teaching them the lessons, they’re the ones teaching me.
I was at Costco this past weekend and the receipt checking guy was really busy and he did not draw a smiley face on my receipt. One of my twins said, “Where’s happy face?” I told her maybe next time.
When Costco forgets to draw a smile, I say, “Oh, they gave us a snake this time!” (The line down the front.) My daughter was so excited the last time we went to get a smiley face AND a snake! Haha.
That is a great idea…I have to use it next time. Thanks Lisa.
To steal from Number Four…you have gone ‘hard core’ on a number of things lately.
Holiday Spirit
I have been following your blog for a long time now. Almost a year and a half and feel as involved as anyone who shows up for your Sunday runs, just half a country away…
So, I feel fully licensed to call you out.
Suzie!!! Suzie!!! Suzie!!!
What good is a clean, organized, holiday themed home and a perfect body, diet and fitness routine, if your husband isn’t there with you to appreciate it??!?!
Ok, so yeah, it actually is good to have a clean, organize home and it’s good to be healthy whether you’re married or not, but that’s not the point and you know it!
You have done some truly AMAZING things this year. AMAZING! Incredible. You’ve challenged yourself in so many ways and have had so many personal successes. It has been such a joy to watch you on this journey and become so much more than you thought you could be a year ago.
It might not be there by the time you get to it.
I started reading because you’re funny and you’re a great writer. You know how to connect with your audience and how to tell a great story. I keep reading because I can’t wait to see what you do next.
You have learned to set goals, challenge yourself, ask for help, accept offered help, hold yourself accountable, take things a step at a time and pick yourself up when you stumble.
Apply that to your marriage.
These aren’t goals that need to be shared with all us crazies out here in www land. But they do need to be shared with your husband. You both deserve a happier, healthier marriage. Your kids deserve to see a happier, healthier marriage.
You have the ability to do this.
There isn’t anything you can’t do.
You have no excuse,
no reason,
other than:
it’s hard.
Well, yeah. It is.
Is it easier to sleep on the couch than apologize? Especially if you don’t feel like you were ‘technically’ wrong?
Yes. it is.
Is it easier to give the silent treatment than talk about why you’re upset and what can be done to fix it?
Yes, it is.
Is it right?
No. It is not,
and you know that.
What are you going to do about it?
(please don’t ban me.)
(love from Georgia!)
Im going to ditto Jessica.
Gotta love Costco!