Today was one of the first afternoons this summer where I really gave myself an opportunity to just sit and rest and recharge and really enjoy a (sort of) lazy summer afternoon.
Number 5 and 7 were invited to a water park with one of their swim team friends. They left the house at 9:30 this morning and came back ten hours later.
Someone took two of my children for a whole bunch of hours and gave me a little break.
We had no swim meets.
For the first time in a long time, my husband didn’t work on both weekend days.
Two good friends and their daughter — who is good friends with Number 4 — came over.
So Number 5 and 7 were gone. Number 4 was hanging with her friend.
Number 3 and 6 miraculously had a lot of fun together.
I got a couple updates from my friend at the water park.
Clearly Number 5 and Number 7 weren’t suffering.
It was close to 90° out, and it was the perfect day for the pool.
Number 3 and 4 actually hung out together without completely annoying each other.
In fact, they were having fun together.
And then everyone chilled out and made s’mores.
It was the perfect summer afternoon.
Two fifths of the kids were gone, and three fifths of the kids were getting along.
They have no idea I have a surprise for them tomorrow.
For most people it’s not major. At all.
But for us it will be a pretty big deal.
Hopefully I catch it on video, and I can share that with you tomorrow.
Stay tuned!
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