Sometimes my kids are really really really good.
They cooperate with each other nicely,
they work together,
and play together,
they are generally happy to be around each other,
and they are nice to each other and enjoy each other’s company,
and I say to myself,
“I am doing a pretty good job.”
These are the photos I show on Facebook.
They are the photos we all show on Facebook.
Then there are the other days.
I have a lot of the other days.
And I might not post pictures of them because,
a) who wants to take a picture of their kids acting like feral animals?
b) even though they may be seriously pushing my buttons, I don’t want to completely humiliate them
c) nobody wants to see that.
But let me assure you that sometimes my kids are a complete 180 from those pictures.
And while everyone else doesn’t show those pictures either and we are on the brink of receiving about 4,000,000 PERFECT Christmas cards, I want to assure you that everyone’s kids are slightly or massively out of control sometimes.
So I thought I’d share this little excerpt of our day yesterday.
Just to reassure you.
Wednesdays are our crazy afternoon.
Numbers 5, 6, and 7 get off the bus about 3:45 – 3:50 and by 4:00 we need to be in the car to head to swim practice.
It takes between 45 minutes and an hour to get there, we are at the pool from 5 to 8:30 pm, and then we get home around 9:30 and everyone goes straight to bed.
So I have dinner on the table by 3:30 on Wednesdays so everyone can eat before we leave, and then I pack some snacks for at the pool and the ride home.
The kids know on Wednesdays there is no time to screw around. It’s get home, hang up your stuff, eat, get your swim bag, and get in the car.
Yesterday I made cheeseburgers and Caesar salad for dinner. It was on the table and waiting.
The kids started off pretty well.
Then Number 3 took some of Number 5’s salad out of her bowl, she got super mad,
then I have no idea what exactly happened, but Number 7 entered the fray.
Number 3 is laughing, Number 5 is crying and Number 7 is yelling, “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!”
Then Number 5 flies out the mudroom door and runs across the front yard followed by Number 7 who is out for blood.
Number 3 thinks this is hilarious which pisses me off more than I’m already pissed off.
Number 6, who can see that I’m not happy, comes over to me and says, “Mommy, do you need a hug?”
At this point Number 5 comes flying back in the house, runs into the corner of the kitchen, grabs a kitchen stool and holds it up in front of her, using it as a shield, and Number returns, still on the rampage.
Only now she is wielding a lacrosse stick, and she is prepared to beat the sh*t out of her older sister.
At this point Number 4 and 6 quietly slip out the door to go to the car — because when some of the kids are acting like savages there are always a couple who instantly become angels — and I separated the two girls while Number 3 watches in complete joy hoping to see UFC 228 live in his kitchen.
We didn’t leave the house until 4:10, but by the Grace of God, we made it to practice with four minutes to spare.
Now, in hindsight, it’s funny.
So anyway, if you had a less than Facebook-perfect day today or yesterday (or both), I just want to let you know you are not alone.
Hang in there Moms!
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