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Number 4 still FaceTimes me just about every day.
But now that school is busier and swim practices have started and she’s made lots of friends, we are down to one FaceTime a day.
Somtimes she calls in the morning when she’s getting ready for school.
Sometimes she calls in between classes.
Sometimes she calls at night after practice and dinner.
Tonight I was talking to her, and I asked her about her classes.
Her school year has been divided into three, 9-week terms with a shorter three week virtual term between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
This isn’t the way they usually run classes, but due to COVID they had to make adjustments.
So she has one class for all nine weeks (biology) and then she has three, 3-week courses in the arts.
Each class is run on an intensive schedule. So she has biology every day, for a total of two hours.
Sometimes it’s and hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon, sometimes it’s two hours in the morning…
The 3-week arts classes are the same. They meet twice a day (or once for 2 hours) and last for three weeks each. At the end of this first nine-week term she will have completed four courses.
Due to the way things worked out, not all kids could get their top choices for their arts classes.
Number 4 ended up with Speech (her first choice), sculpture (her 3rd choice) and dance competition which wasn’t even on her list.
It was the absolute last option she would have chosen.
Initially we thought we’d ask to get her switched out because she REALLY didn’t want to do dance composition. AT ALL.
After the first class it became apparent that all the other girls in the class had dance experience.
And I’m not gonna say that Number 4 dances like Elaine on Seinfeld, but I will say it’s not high on her list of strengths.
She was VERY uncomfortable after the first class.
The teacher told her she could transfer out if she wanted to.
She thought about it.
But ultimately she stayed.
She’s about halfway through this class now.
And you know what she said tonight when I was talking to her?
“Mom, I think next year I’m going to take some more dance classes.”
I’m so proud of her for doing something she had zero experience in with a bunch of other girls who had some pretty serious experience and not giving up.
And I just wanted to remind you that it’s good to try stuff you’re petrified of doing.
Cause you might just realize that not only are you not that terrible at it, but that you really enjoy it, too.
She’s now got one more deposit in the Bank Of Uncomfortable Shit.
And another reminder that there isn’t really anything that she can’t do as long as she just hangs in there long enough and rides out the discomfort.
And the same goes for all of us.
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